The Women's Summit in the Santa Cruz Redwoods--Conscious Company Media
In the last few years I have spoken at no less than 30 events that range from technology conferences, entrepreneur events, venture and impact investing forums, family office convenings and universities.
Some conferences are worthy to keep abreast of technology change. Even if you are involved with innovation as your day job, you have to make a conscious choice to carve out time to see what is possible in the future world. All of these conferences and events are a way I can give back to the eco-system and hopefully inspire others to become an entrepreneur or to claim their role and identity as an investor.
We are all time constrained, but sometimes there is something new and different which will give us what we need most.
That is why I am taking time out of my over packed schedule as a founder and CEO of an early stage company to attend the Women’s Summit Feb 20-22 in the middle of a redwood forest in a place with rivers and a broad collection of business women. What the participants have in common is a mindset of the power of our work, our selves and what is possible together. We are longing for a different venue and conversation.
It is early in the year and a perfect time to rejuvenate your self and find the inspiration and community that is so crucial to put fuel in the tank for the year ahead. If you are like me, most times you find this peace and quiet alone or spend time with family and friends to recharge your battery. That is super important but then we also need the time, space and community to reaffirm why we do the work we do and to find new companions and inspiration. We all do best in a community and with partners who nourish our soul and urge us to reach greater heights. Especially in this time of political and civil discourse, it is hard being an agent of change often swimming against the tide.
This is the first time the Women’s Summit is being held and it is a fresh contrast to the more urban conference space and male dominated events where I generally am invited to speak. The content at the Summit will be useful but equally important is the time to hear the inside stories about who we are and what promise we have together.
Here is the link for the Conscious Company Media--World Changing Women’s Summit You can use WCWS_PlumAlley for a discount of 30% here
Let me know if you have time to catch up!