Women’s Rights & Empowerment

Women’s Rights & Empowerment

The HOT summers of Austin remind me of the COLD winters in Alaska.


It keeps me indoors far more than I prefer.?

The race from the store… to the heat of the car when it’s bitter cold is faster paced than the meandering walk from the store… to the air conditioned car - but it’s basically the same thing.?

Finding the environmental “comfort zone” of 65 - 75 degrees indoors when the extremes of Mother Nature are at their peak is becoming a way of life in a world of Climate Change.?

On Sunday I was up early with the dogs for our “beat the heat” 7am morning hike. Then I was working on projects in the yard until 12:30 when the 103 degree heat drove me indoors for the wonderful reprieve of air conditioning.?

What the hell did our ancestors do before heat and air conditioning?

They were tough.?

Makes me think we may have come a bit soft and entitled with our modern lifestyle.?

Resilience just isn’t a character trait… it’s a skill.?

And as we head deeper into an uncertain economy, extreme environmental conditions and broken political system here at BigImpactHQ? we are even more committed to helping you elevate your wealth and impact by leveraging the power of your voice.?

Lot’s of great resources await you below.

Read on!

In the News…

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Revoked Women's Reproductive Rights - Its Economic Consequences

In the wake of the recent Supreme Court decision that abolished the Women’s Right to an Abortion, Gov. J.B. Pritzker of Illinois urged executives to rethink basing their companies in Texas…

For companies anchored in economically vibrant conservative states like Texas, Tennessee, and Georgia, the rollback of women’s rights is an immediate challenge.

Some of the country’s largest companies have already announced they would take steps to help employees who need abortion access but can’t obtain it in their home states.

How will this affect you especially if you’re living in Texas, Tennessee, and Georgia?

Access the full article here.

Featured Video?

How does an empowered woman lead, speak and inspire?

As a Businesswoman, you've already been able to see the power of speaking and sharing your message with the world. But it's not always easy to get started or stay motivated in your journey as an entrepreneur.

In this podcast, you’ll learn:

-The secret behind empowering women into entrepreneurship and speaking on stage.

-Why network marketing works for women and how can you benefit from it?

-What is a fractional CMO? How can it help your business?

-What women need to discover in order to achieve success in their business.

(Spoiler alert: it involves making mistakes.)

Don't miss this insightful interview with an expert who has dedicated his life to empowering brilliant women into entrepreneurship!


Client Success Spotlight/Resources

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If you’re looking for the fastest and easiest way to attract more clients, expand your movement and get wealthy, SPEAKING is the key. When done correctly, speaking makes you MONEY and A LOT of it.?

Here at BigImpactHQ?, our mission is to UNLOCK the POWER OF VOICE in Women around the world.?

We’ve carefully curated a fun and engaging way to help you become the MOST influential and persuasive woman in the room!?

Once you take the Speaker Blueprint Quiz - you’ll discover your Speaker “IT FACTOR”.?

Are you “The Motivator”?

Are you “The Storyteller”?

Maybe you’re “The Professor”?

Or maybe “The Orator”?

You might be “The Performer”.

And - you could be “The Activist”

All success starts when your message and ability to present yourself.?

Take the Speaker Blueprint Quiz NOW and start OWNING THE ROOM.

Co-Founders Corner

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Your opinion matters.?

Yet it’s not your opinion that will make you wealthy - it’s the messaging behind it that will determine your level of wealth and impact.?

Your voice and opinion are intricately tied to how you’re perceived in the marketplace.?

Yet with the overwhelm and frenzies of business - most business women don’t give their voice anywhere near the attention it deserves. Delaying the very things that will ultimately give you what you want.?

the words and phrases you use…?

can start wars…?

seduce lovers…?

even save the planet.?

But your message requires serious intention… so that it begins to COMMAND ATTENTION.?

If you knew for certain that 90 days of focused intention would result in an additional 6 Figures a year… year after year… after year… after year…

How long would you wait to get going??

You’d be amazed how many powerful women… stand on the sidelines in silence… watching the days go by… wishing something was different.?

There’s always something the mind will put in the way - usually the same thing that’s the source of your self doubt and procrastination. You know you’re being called to something bigger… yet it’s as if something keeps dragging you down… convincing you with the seductive words… “not yet”.?

Wouldn’t it be WONDERFUL if you could stop putting off your destiny and step into the power of your voice? Wouldn’t you feel INSPIRED if you learned how to state your opinion with authority and confidence. More than anything - this is what the world is craving.?

The most powerful force for change on?

the planet is a financially empowered woman with?

a disruptive message of vision and hope.?

Whether it’s Roe V Wade, plastic bottles in our oceans or the way children are educated… the future will be determined by those who give their message “intention”.?

At BigImpactHQ?… this is what we do for Business Women - better than anyone.

Let us help you craft that “next-level” message, platform and personal brand so that you can make a fortune while ushering in “A New Earth”.?

Set up a short 15min info call by replying to this email newsletter - learn how we can help you uplevel your business. With almost 600 women generating over $72 Million in revenue for their own businesses after working with BigImpactHQ, we’re onto something. Isn’t it time you discovered just how much we truly are… “in your corner and by your side?”

In your corner and by your side,?

Mark & Shannon Grainger

Co-Founders BigImpactHQ??



