Women’s Rights in a Divorce
Divorce law is supposed to be applied equally towards any person, irrespective of gender and or identity preference. Why, then, would divorce affect women differently than men? Simply put, the reason is the reality of most circumstances encountered by our community. Our practice has demonstrated that, generally, women are more emotionally invested in the marriage than men, and women tend to be the primary caretakers of the children. Of course, these circumstances alone cannot lead to a generalized conclusion that men are apathetic about the marital relationship or their children. However, what these circumstances do reflect is that women more often than men sacrifice their careers; work part-time; or stay at home full-time to raise the children.
Another reality that our society confronts is that of domestic violence. Divorce can also mean freedom for women that are victims of domestic violence. It is not uncommon to encounter brave women who have endured years of verbal, mental or physical abuse from their spouse. For many of my female clients, for example, they have endured and tolerated years of living in an abusive marriage to raise the children and keep the family intact.
How, then, does these realties affect how issues of child custody are determined in the court system?
Contact us!
The Louis Law Firm, PLLC
Address: 300 Cadman Plaza West, 12th Floor
Brooklyn, New York
Telephone: Call (347) 926-3388
Website: https://lmlawny.com/
Email: [email protected]
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