Women's positions in relationships...Are you sabotaging yourself and don't know it?
In the world of independence and freedoms, women are beginning to play an unnatural role in relationships that are destroying the very fabric of what makes relationships last. I have studied behavior and had clients that fall in to this category and I feel the need to address it. We are bad-ass women in business and in our lives, and it is making us unbalanced in our home. The energy is wrong and it has shifted the men unnaturally as well.
Call it a bit old fashioned, but it is the absolute truth. The nature of the beast does not change at the foundation because times have changed. My own personal journey in my marriage and my business has shown me so many things about relationships, it has become my passion to teach people how to have healthy relationships.
Independent women who have made their own way make themselves in a position of control. When relationships come around, they instinctively make sure they are not in a position to be hurt so they can walk away from the relationship if it doesn't work. They bring the men on their "turf" so that they call all the shots. It will last for a while, but eventually it normally fizzes out. He does not want to be micromanaged in his relationships.
There are the women who are independent and passive aggressive. This is playing a mother role to the man. They pay for things. They let the man stay with them without bring anything to the table. I see them "loan" money that they never get back. Co-signing for vehicles. Its crazy! As long as you put out a welcome mat and your ATM card, he can pick up and drop off your heart whenever he wants.
I was the independent woman when I met my husband. I kept one foot out the door for a long time. It was really a deeper issue that had to be addressed. In that journey, my passion to show others what I learned and how I turned my marriage around in a small amount of time. We make things harder than they have to be. We think more emotionally and sabotage ourselves right out of relationships.
Phoenix Rising Global was built from my struggle. I am so passionate about showing everyone that they can have the relationships they truly want with some shifts of habits and inner beliefs. Are you ready to take your love life to another level? Lets talk about it in a FREE Love Bliss Call! Get signed up below . Let's get started on you journey. I am so honored to support you!
XOXO- Marriage Maven- Lela Hightower Smoochies, Darlings!