Women worry about things that men forget and men worry about the things women remember
Kishore Ramkrishna Shintre
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Remembering birthdays and anniversaries? OMG, that is where it all starts that women make a difference and men cut a sorry figure always. Women are good at multitasking by nature and are able to focus on many areas at a time, whereas men by nature are focused on single process it is said, therefore it is natural that women remember much more than men forget about issues. This may not be always true, but I agree that it seems to be more often that women remember small things than men. When I'd say this, women, naturally are usually more emotional than men. Things that a man on a mission may overlook, women do not.
They feel everything. They are very much aware of everything. Except when they are driving (my personal experience!) they tend to look their own face in the rear view mirror more than the vehicles coming on from behind and hence are not always good drivers because the multitasking is required there in larger proportions, you need to look at so many things while driving like your speed, your direction, your lane, keeping safe distance from the vehicles in front as well as keep the vehicles behind you safely at a distance...
But women are amazing. I've learned to appreciate this aspect of them. They see and realise so much more than I. Centuries after century, women are and were the head of the home department and they effectively, efficiently and successfully doing the job of cooking, house maintenance, healthcare of the family, keeping tab on economic status, cultivation, social relation, studies of children, motherhood, wive's other duties etc. Now they are also working and balancing the family life with all that carefully.
All these things naturally made them genetically, remembering small things of household life including the birthdays, wedding day, social functions and religious ceremonies. No doubt that women are more responsible, sensitive and disciplined in adventuring small and big things of practical life. May be God has made them like that to take proper care of close people. That's why womanhood scaled with a special uniqueness and dignity no second opinion about them.
But ladies, have a big heart and consider this please! All the men are not mind readers (unlike of course our friendly neighbours or neighbour's friends). Secondly, Continuous shop hopping called shopping is not a sport, hey come on!. and no, we are never going to think of it that way. Crying is a big blackmail sport played often, of course ask for what you want. Let us be clear on this one: Subtle hints do not work with us we are not that razor sharp minds here! Strong hints do not work! Obvious hints do not work! Just say it lady!
And a Yes and point blank No should perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question which need to be close ended only. Come to us with a problem only if you want us to help resolving it. That's what we do. Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for, is that okay please? We know you women are from Venus, but then...whenever possible , please say whatever you have to say during commercial breaks on the TV not when the match is on.
A headache that lasts for 17 months is a medical problem for which you need to see a doctor and husband cannot act as one to diagnose your different kind of headaches or migraines. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument also in the court of law. In fact, all comments become null and void after 7 Days if you please remember this. If you won't dress like the spice girls, don't expect us to act like soap opera guys...sob sob..
And some more stuff from Men from Mars? Christopher Columbus did not need directions and neither do we. Remember that all the men see in only 16 colours, as in the Windows default settings. Peach, for example, is a fruit, not A colour. Pumpkin is also a fruit. We have no idea what mauve is though. If we go on asking what is wrong and you say "nothing," We will act like nothing's wrong, fine?
We know you are lying, but it is just not worth the hassle. If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, expect an answer you don't want to hear!! And Please don't ask us what we're thinking about unless you are prepared to discuss such topics as football, cars, bikes or games, We know you have enough number of clothes that the wardrobe is overflowing already. You have too many shoes as well, each colour has a pair of shoes and purses and clutches and all that you call them.
Remember something we said can be interpreted in two ways and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we always meant the other one. Therefore, please you can either ask us to do something or tell us how you want it done. Not both ways. If you already know the best way how to do it, why not do it yourself? When a man says he is reaching in 5 minutes, it is to be calculated as your getting ready in the next half an hour...which day you never said.
Women say, whenever men work on things we cuss a lot. That's just what we do, and no it doesn't make us sound less intelligent also. It also doesn't mean we are mad that we were asked to do something for you. That's just what men do we cuss our way through physical labour. Women sometimes really value men's privacy. It doesn't matter if you always tell your friends everything, its the biggest most disrespectful thing you can do to us. Some men will hands down break up with a woman for not keeping what he shared with said woman. Men need to wind down and decompress when we come in from work. You are not going die if you have to wait a few minutes before you start rambling on about everything.
And remember this please, women really see men as what they ultimately want and naturally offer them their sexuality first hand. They automatically expect men to do the same too. If men have to be told this they drop significantly on our score board. If men continue with treating womens' body like an amusement park behind the back women will find some other man who feels the way we do. All women are replaceable. Just as men we know were replaceable too. Stay blessed! #kishoreshintre
Executive Resume Writer | Personal Branding & Career Profile Coach for C-suite Executives | CXO Resume Writer | Building Resume Janus, firm giving end to end career services | LinkedIn Management | Website Development
4 年Haha very right Kishore Shintre have read this book many yrs ago
Principal /writer/ visionary/motivational speaker/storyteller
4 年I suppose this is because Men are from Mars and women from Venus .Kishore Shintre ?????? Planets apart.
Corporate Trainer
4 年????
CEO, Founder *****Business Alliance Intelligence, VA, USA****** Founder ****ONEi KickHub (One Intelligence! All Inclusive for One Better World!)
4 年I think women are better drivers and more confident than men once they are comfortable. They can handle multiple things talking on phone and driving very comfortably. Problem is just with new female drivers, they learn slow because of pressure from their men and society ;-)