Women We Can Connect and Marry a human with Erectile dysfunction. . .
As Women not all need the painful penetration of the penis. Just being in the presents, going places and doing adventures things together.
It's amazing how many individual are out there have theses issues an keep it in the closet as if it's BAD. Why is society so not wanting to talk about this. Great Man are left out in the cool, living in a silent village of the Souls. Just Crying and wishing of a club where they might group. The pain could be in the breeze , floating through those of heart threads straight in the Heart of that One in which to spend the rest of you life with.
So we have the absence of Penetration, and riding to glory land in the Mental State doesn't mean we must not become a couple to the end of life.
When a Women approaches the Zone of 60's year's the period STOP.
Ovulation is THE PROCESS IN WHICH A MATURE EGG IS RELEASED THE OVARY. I HAVE FOUND IF WE TAKE GREAT CARE OF OURSELEVES AS WE LEVEL OUT INTO THE YEARS 125. Depending on what comes first it could be vaginal dryness or menopause dryness.
Yes we are in the group where we can enjoy this Male condition without pain.
Eat More Fish
The omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA are good for heart and penis health. But toxins like PCBs and dioxins in some fish can hit you below the belt by reducing your sperm count and lowering testosterone.
Try to avoid large bluefish, striped bass, and farmed salmon. PCBs and dioxins accumulate in the fatty tissues of those fish more so than in younger, smaller fish or species such as wild salmon, skipjack tuna, or sea bass.
Drink Moderately
A glass of red wine may fuel the libido, but a full bottle may screw with your penis-brain circuitry and eliminate any chance of getting an erection.
Clinical studies have shown that alcohol acts as a depressant in the brain, dulling anxiety and inhibitions about sex, but larger amounts can have the opposite effect.
In one study, men with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.06 and 0.09 had trouble ejaculating while masturbating. Another study measured penile swelling in response to erotic stimulation. Those men who had three or more mixed drinks within 2 hours couldn’t get it up.
Over time, chronic use of alcohol can cause hormonal and brain chemical changes that stifle sexual functioning. Alcoholism has also been linked to gynecomastia and shrinkage of the penis and testicles.
Do a Ball Check
Testicular cancer strikes nearly 8,000 men a year, mostly young men between the ages of 15 and 40. When caught early enough, testicular cancer can be cured more than 95 percent of the time.
Left undetected, though, and it can spread to other parts of the body. Check in with your boys once a month.
Here’s the play-by-play from?Men’s Health?urology advisor Larry Lipshultz, M.D., chief of the division of male reproductive medicine at Baylor College of Medicine:
Step 1. Take a hot bath or shower. Warm water relaxes the muscles that pull the testicles up into your scrotum, allowing you to handle them more easily.
Step 2. Cup your scrotum. Feel both testicles at once. They may not be identical, but there shouldn't be any dramatic difference in size.
Step 3. Gently examine each testicle individually with both hands. Place your index and middle fingers underneath and your thumbs on top of a testicle. Roll the testicle between your fingers around the entire surface for about 30 seconds using light pressure. Feel for lumps or bumps. Each testicle should feel smooth like a peeled hard boiled egg.?
If you think you felt something, don’t panic. A lot of men mistake the epididymis, a soft tube located in the back of each testicle, for a bump. If you’re unsure or if you feel any other bumps, consult your doctor.
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Business strategist, Entrepreneur
2 年READ 9/10/2022 https://youtu.be/ZgCvKlQkoNM Great example of people [individuals] who are trying to tap dance around . . . a women walking - down the path - doesn't quiet understand her role in a man that has issues with erectile - dysfunction. the man allow her to keep the partner she had from the PASS a smile is no more now what do we DO about the child - he has been up bring . . . LinkedIn: https://www.dhirubhai.net/in/sylvia-bonaparte-b1b465166 M. S. A. Rose-Bonaparte [AMARE] https://www.strategist-curiosity.com Amare: www.myamareglobal.com/46719 For more information: Lifevantage: sylviab55.lifevantage.com code: 1927889? Dr. Brian Dixon [Tri Synergizer ]? https://youtu.be/emBCP9vw6ZA ? Ms. Sylvia Bonaparte???????? @#FollowMefourFollowback @#Follow4Followback @#SylviaBonaparte
Business strategist, Entrepreneur
2 年READ: 9/7/2022 as the friend is still having issues with explaining things to girl, women, woman and ladies. they truly don't understand this type of conversations . . . I guess personally it would be nice if we could please assist / tell people about the understanding . . . can we still find a way to educate more on this matter. . . Boys, men, man are all in just a pound of heavy weight amounts themselves ** again WHY is it that as women we treat Guy's so wrong that can not get a hard ON. I feel as a women we can learn to love, and possible adopt a child that WANTS a mother. LinkedIn: https://www.dhirubhai.net/in/sylvia-bonaparte-b1b465166 M. S. A. Rose-Bonaparte [AMARE] https://www.strategist-curiosity.com Amare: www.myamareglobal.com/46719 For more information: Lifevantage: sylviab55.lifevantage.com code: 1927889? Dr. Brian Dixon [ Tri Synergizer ]? https://youtu.be/emBCP9vw6ZA? Ms. Sylvia Bonaparte???????? @#FollowMefourFollowback @#Follow4Followback @#SylviaBonaparte
Business strategist, Entrepreneur
2 年“language” of gestures and actions we call “body language.” We are all familiar with body language our own cultures and absorb it subconsciously as we grow up. Girls, women, teens, lady don't seem to want a guy with this issue shame: if you don't have your period any more you can be happily with some one of this Issues greatness with a man of this value is very important to a spiritually great person. How can we connect better with those - shame of the erectile problem. They are able to have a partner. They are able to love as well as anyone else. Let reach out and have them be comfortable and grateful at the same TIME LinkedIn: https://www.dhirubhai.net/in/sylvia-bonaparte-b1b465166 M. S. A. Rose-Bonaparte [AMARE] https://www.strategist-curiosity.com Amare: www.myamareglobal.com/46719 Ms. Sylvia Bonaparte???????? @#FollowMefourFollowback @#Follow4Followback @#SylviaBonaparte
Business strategist, Entrepreneur
2 年READ: 7/14/2022 a bruised testicle is a painful, but minor injury that can heal on its own. Your body produces fresh sperm every day, and your sperm supply gets replenished at least every?64 days. But if you experience more than localized pain in the scrotum, you may need immediate medical attention.? Bruising and swelling of the scrotum?may be signs of a ruptured testicle. You'll definitely feel pain if your testicles are struck or kicked, and you might also feel nauseated for a short time. If it's a minor testicular injury, the pain should gradually ease in less than an hour and any other symptoms should go away. LinkedIn: https://www.dhirubhai.net/in/sylvia-bonaparte-b1b465166 M. S. A. Rose-Bonaparte [AMARE] https://www.strategist-curiosity.com Amare: www.myamareglobal.com/46719 For more information: Lifevantage: sylviab55.lifevantage.com code: 1927889? Dr. Brian Dixon [ Tri Synergizer ]? https://youtu.be/emBCP9vw6ZA? Ms. Sylvia Bonaparte???????? #FollowMefourFollowback @Follow4Followback @ Sylvia Bonaparte
Business strategist, Entrepreneur
2 年READ: 7/14/2022 The male's conversation, of his manhood not working, doesn't help him focus very well. A women touches, and nothing happens. I can't allow any of my friends and family members, be involved because I would become the language stock of the community and that would be more embarrassing then You Know. How and why doesn't the social circular - talk about this particular matter. Males who - stay in the closets about this could become. . . What type of doctors help with this matter Are their women, who are able to - deal. Is there, any particular female - that designs a mindset of... LinkedIn: https://www.dhirubhai.net/in/sylvia-bonaparte-b1b465166 M. S. A. Rose-Bonaparte [AMARE] https://www.strategist-curiosity.com Amare: www.myamareglobal.com/46719 For more information: Lifevantage: sylviab55.lifevantage.com code: 1927889? Dr. Brian Dixon [Tri Synergizer ]? https://youtu.be/emBCP9vw6ZA? Ms. Sylvia Bonaparte???????? #FollowMefourFollowback @Follow4Followback @ Sylvia Bonaparte