Women In Transition
What does Success look like to you? And what is stopping it from happening?
Listen to the voices in the background - Judgemental remarks from others, roadblocks, doubts, discontent, cribbing, guilt …
- I have lost my identity, and I am a lesser being.
- I am under-earning/not earning.
- I lack resources.
- I am isolated.
These are your real power blocks – inside you. Every idea needs permission from yourself, before getting translated to action. You need to give yourself that permission – to make it happen. To get a perspective on it, ask yourself the following questions:
- If I get it, what is the gain?
- If I don’t get it, what is the gain?
- If I get it, what are my pains?
- If I don’t get it, what are my pains?
Have you accepted the new reality, or are you still living in the past?
Navigate the distance from Change to Transformational Leap.
Thomas Leonard describes the difference as follows:
CHANGE is a reaction to adapt to something over which we have no control.
This change has already taken place, and lies in the past. Leave it behind.
SHIFT is a change, which is made internally.
Your constructed self should not emanate from that lost identity. A new You is waiting to emerge.
TRANSFORMATIONAL LEAPS are those epiphanies or Aha moments, where your reality changes instantaneously.
You see yourself in a new light, and start working to achieve that new goal.
Contact at [email protected] for power packages for women in transition.
- Successful Transitions
- ReSkilling or ReInvention
- Staying Alive Professionally