Women Suffer in Silence About Hair Loss
John Vincent
International Authority. Author. Speaker. Coach. Independent Consultant in the Hair Restoration Industry for 35+ years
Link to this blog: https://medium.com/hair-loss-dossier/women-suffer-in-silence-about-hair-loss-5b44ce699781
By: John Vincent Follow on Medium
Many of us think of balding as affecting only men.
As a result, the ads for drugs, hair pieces and hair surgery for guys is rampant.
And so, to many, discovering that hair loss affects nearly 40% of women over -40 is a shock.
Thinning hair can be a “bummer” for men. But it is often devastating to a woman’s self-image. That’s because a bald woman is rarely considered attractive in our society.
Guys can shave their head and look “cool”. Women don’t have that option. Hair loss in women is often associate with poor health or disease.
The choices for men’s hair loss treatment are ubiquitous. For females, most advertisements are about cosmetics, not physiology.
Ads for hair medications, transplant doctors, and hair “clubs” for men proliferate. Women’s thinning hair remedies are typically some miraculous hair treatment found on drugstore shelves or in salons.
Ironically, guys, not wanting to appear vain, rarely discuss their hair problems with others (hair stylist or barber, excepted). Females, however, will seek advice from, not only the salon, but from doctors, friends and family.
Although, more and more hair cutters are learning about thinning hair problems and many physician seminars provide advanced hair loss education, there remains a general lack of honesty in marketing that leads to much frustration.
In my new book, Hair Loss Dossier: The Causes, Cures, Treatments and Scams, I bring to light a successful strategy about keeping your hair and maximizing hair growth. I call this strategy Hair Preservation.
Most hair loss in men stems from genetics (Androgenetic Alopecia, or, “AGA”), while thinning hair in women can be a combination of factors, including AGA, stress, childbirth, hormone production and diet.
Hair Preservation focuses on one’s own hair growth problem and what the valid options are for correcting it.
I emphasize that the first step in solving this problem is in locating and consulting with a trained professional…a doctor specializing in this field, such as a dermatologist or endocrinologist …or a certified Trichologist.
Understanding how hair evolves from the scalp…the cycle of growth, resting and shedding…and what interferes with its health, starts with proper diagnosis. Undertaking a valid treatment plan must begin with taking baseline measurements.
Just as you wouldn’t start a home repair project without first knowing the cause of damage, you should never try to fix a hair problem without a proper diagnosis.
Measurement tools and associated software are available today. These sophisticated devices accurately evaluate the hair and scalp condition, so as to help chart the progress of a hair treatment plan.
While a woman knows her hair…she touches, tosses and “plays” with it many times during a day…to accurately gauge the progress of a hair loss treatment plan without accurately mapping progress, is nearly impossible.
Drugstore and salon products often claim to produce wondrous hair improvement. However, applying external hair products…those that don’t get to the “root” of the problem…are simply temporary, as they tend to swell or coat the hair shaft.
Using externally applied products on a hair shaft is like watering a dead tree. Both will simply dry out again!
Read "Hair Loss Dossier: THE BIG LIE..." on Kindle, iBooks, Barnes & Noble, KOBO and others for the truth about what works for thinning hair, or contact me on my Facebook page, “John Vincent’s Hair Loss Dossier”.