Women - Step into Your Power to Peacefully Create Wealth
Kathryn Eriksen
Women's Wealth Coach/Financial Services. Aligned mindset + inspired action = Empowered Way. Best-selling author, coach, and speaker. EmpoweredWay.com
Hello Empowered Wayers!
There is a shift in the world that is especially powerful for women.
We have survived by relying on masculine energy. When we are goal-driven, outer-focused, and linear in our thinking, masculine energy is the dominant force. It’s necessary for survival in a world with constant threats and obstacles.
Think of climbing a mountain. You plan, strategize, and implement the plan that carries the highest possibility of success. When you reach the summit, your fulfillment comes from the outward achievement. And then, you descend and look for your next mountain experience.
That is masculine energy at work.
But there is another powerful type of energy that women have forgotten. It’s the flow of feminine energy from their connection within.
Feminine Energy is like a river of rushing water. It flows around obstacles, merges with other rivers, and constantly moves with power, carving out new pathways. When you surrender to this energy, there is no straight line and control is not possible. Instead, you trust that you will have the resources you need as you need them.
It’s the difference between controlling the journey or flowing with the river.
The Power Struggle Women Face
Instead of achievement and success measured by numbers, women are called to awaken to their inner power. Instead of surviving the day, women are called to become more. Instead of feeling shame, guilt, and inadequate, women are called to step into their destiny.
The power struggle we feel in ourselves is to balance the drive of masculine energy with the creative flow of feminine energy. The blending of these two essential energies creates the beautiful result of self-actualization.
When women are too immersed in masculine energy, it can cost you connection with yourself and your higher power. When women are too embodied with feminine energy, we can lose access to power, because our inner lives have become our entire world.
Too much of one or the other doesn’t move us forward. it’s the blending of both energies that moves us forward.
Money is a Fertile Area of Struggle
The power struggle for women is especially dynamic in her relationship to money and wealth.
When women treat money from a masculine energy perspective, it doesn’t feel natural. There is always an element of mystery or confusion that men don’t seem to experience. That may be because the financial system is masculine oriented. It’s linear, goal-driven, and strategic. Women who succeed with money tend to rely on masculine qualities to the detriment of their feminine power.
At some point, she hits the proverbial wall. The cost of success is the loss of her inner connection to a higher power. She may face a health crisis or the end of a relationship. She may look in the mirror and not recognize herself. She may wonder about the place that the planning, effort, and striving brought her to, and not know herself.
When your relationship to yourself is the sacrifice of success, it’s not worth it.
What is the Answer for Women to Thrive?
Connection and relationship are key components for women to navigate a world dominated by masculine power structures.
The dance of creation begins when a woman turns inward and connects to something greater than herself. I called that energy Divine Love, but you may call it whatever you like. The important aspect is the connection to a knowing that you are:
As you turn inward and strengthen your connection to Source, everything shifts from outer cause to inner knowing. Intuition and wisdom become available as you move through the world. Your work becomes your calling and you begin to grow toward your destiny.
Your empowerment comes from your higher Source, not from the achievements of your efforts. As you move in the world, you know you are safe, loved, and seen, no matter what happens. The freedom to show up as your authentic self allows for the dance of creation, because you are no longer manipulating or controlling the outcome.
That’s why it’s called “Empowered Way.”
You live and create from your inner knowing and discover how to show up authentically in the outer world. Your feminine energy is used to connect and relate to your Source, and your masculine energy is harnessed to build, execute, and implement in the physical world of time and space.
Balanced creation is your natural state.
Your Next Step
If you are a woman who is feeling stuck or emotionally wounded because of money or finances, please reach out. We can visit for 30 minutes and discover what may help you.
Hop on my calendar and let’s talk.
To your prosperity,