Women and the Sisterhood of Global Health
Ann Marie Kimball
Vice Chair COVID 19 task force at The Rotary Foundation/Rotary International
200 women convened at the Gates Foundation on January 10th to launch our new network of Women in Global Health. The session was electric. What was most amazing to me was the "ease in the room" and comradery. After Gabrielle Fitzgerald welcomed us we had a lively panel of women from all sectors of Global Health moderated by Dena Morris (WGHA). The panel included Claire Bonilla (Sightlife ) Rihea Colar (IDRI) Linda Etim (BMGF) and Ana Mari Cauci (President, UW) .Dena then started an interactive session where women identified their most respected leaders. The energy in the room ramped up as we recognized our sisters and lauded their contributions. We wound up by sharing a few remarks on Women in Global Health and the new Stanford Initiative, and potential next steps.
So what have we learned and where are we going? We know there is not a "pipeline problem" for women to lead in Global Health but there are challenges we can face together. McKinsey has shown in their last two studies on diversity (including 1000 firms world wide) at the executive and Board level that corporate firms which actualize diversity of gender at those levels are 22% more profitable. Firms which realize racial and ethnic diversity at those levels enjoy 33 % more profitability. This is the "secret sauce" . In Global health we need to define our own metrics and do our own homework to demonstrate the value add in our sector we all trust we will see. We understand that our male colleagues have a strong role to play, and that our own solidarity and thoughtful leadership is critical to climbing this mountain.
So we the women of Global Health in Seattle have joined together in an inclusive network which will move forward towards our goal of mentoring and pushing gender diversity at all levels of our discipline. It is exciting to join this global movement-- happening all over the world. Inclusion, transparency, the sisterhood and a new kind of leadership are in the wind, and we are unfurling our sail before it. Onward and Upward!
Health Equity for Women; Medical Device CEO of DeepLook Medical; Nonprofit CEO of HERhealthEQ; Co-Chair US AI for Good; Investment Committee at Goddess Gaia Ventures; EIR at Graybella Capital; TEDx Speaker.
6 年Amazing group of incredible women. Hope to be among you all one day.
Member, National Consumer Advisory Board at Kaiser Permanente Research Permanente Research BankPermanente Resesrch Bank
6 年Thank you, AnneMarie, for this excellent comprehensive summary of the inaugural meeting of the Seattle group! It was an inspiring and exciting beginning. Leadership comes from many directions and as UW President Ana Mari Causi cautioned, it’s important not to equate leadership with position. I was privilege to be a part of the meeting.