Women of Monex – Mercedes Franco
For our second featured article in celebration of Women’s History Month, showcasing four Women of Monex and their experiences working as a woman in finance, we spoke with our talented Madrid-based Digital Operations Analyst, Mercedes Franco. Part of the global Digital Strategy team, Mercedes’ role plays a vital part in delivering Monex’s extensive and evolving portfolio of digital FX solutions tailored to the needs of our clients.
It's safe to say that my role at Monex is extremely varied; consisting of assisting with the development of Monex’s multiple digital channels and promoting their digital adoption, as well as monitoring transactions that take place within these channels. Encompassing aspects of finance, technology and customer support, all of which I find fascinating, I have the pleasure of interacting with both a variety of departments across the global business and our clients.
Back to the beginning…
Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, I kick-started my interest in the corporate world by studying Business Administration at Pontificia Universidad Catolica Argentina, and quickly discovered my passion for travel and taking on new opportunities after participating in a study exchange programme at the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands back in 2019. At the age of 20, I began my professional career working as an International Trade Trainee, before switching to Corporate Sales in the crypto and fintech industry.
Finding my enthusiasm for fintech and digital solutions, I took a leap at the age of 24 and accepted a fantastic opportunity to move to Madrid, Spain, for a role in the Financial Service sector. Following that experience, I had the opportunity to join the Monex team, which I have now been a part of for just over a year.
Working as a Woman in Finance
I have always believed that companies that actively promote the reduction of the gender gap, enable access to a much wider scope of candidates, leading to increased talent capture and acquisition. Although the financial services industry is still statistically male dominated, I personally advocate for the idea that different individuals bring a much broader and more complex package that far exceeds the skills, experience or knowledge on their CV, leading to an enriched culture through a diverse workforce. Not only this, but the wider the diversity, the more access a company has to valuable, differing insights and opinions that can contribute towards vital decision-making.
Throughout my professional career, I have had the pleasure of working side-by-side with highly talented women who have paved their own way in the industry, along with men who advocate for equity and inclusion.
Having the opportunity to learn directly from their personal experiences and expertise has helped me to hone my own skills and professional confidence in the sector, making my overall experience a remarkably positive one.
Making a difference
As a Latin American woman living and working abroad, I believe my greatest professional achievement has been moving away from the comfort and security of my native home and finding my way in the wider world. Although not easy, it has brought me extraordinary opportunities and I take great pride in my personal development, both as a woman and Latina.
Being thousands of miles away from my home and family, inserting myself into new cultures as an immigrant woman has undoubtedly had its challenges, however the exposure to collaborating with other individuals from different backgrounds and cultures has significantly contributed to both my personal and professional growth.
This being said, I strongly believe that my professional achievements as a woman cannot be separated from the influence of other gifted women and men who have continuously supported me and shared their values and inspirational work ethic with me.
“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be” - Lao Tzu
Resonating with my personal beliefs, this quote embodies the attitude that once you disconnect with what you identify as “you”, you open yourself up to new perspectives and the ability to develop your potential.
This is particularly meaningful to me as it is easy to be boxed into the generic societal stereotypes, which can ultimately limit our growth and access to valuable opportunities.??
I believe women are specifically more exposed to gender and culture stigmas in the professional sector, and it's remarkably important to keep breaking these barriers, not only for self-development but to pave the way for future generations. In this sense, and considering how far we've come, I don't believe a woman's achievement should be treated as an isolated event, but more a collective effort towards a more equal world.
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