Women in the Metaverse - a think piece

Women in the Metaverse - a think piece

This is a short "think piece" from our series of observing and commenting on new technologies around us. We hope you enjoy it. If you want to submit your "think piece" reach out to us in the comments.

There is no doubt that the metaverse is a male-dominated space. This is evident in the way that most virtual world platforms and communities are designed and run. Women are often sidelined or excluded altogether. This needs to change.

There are many good reasons why there should be more women in the metaverse. For one, women have a lot to offer in terms of creativity and imagination. They can help to create new and innovative experiences for everyone to enjoy.

Another reason is that women can help to create a more diverse and inclusive metaverse. At the moment, it can feel like virtual worlds are designed primarily for white, heterosexual men. This is not only exclusive, but it's also boring. Adding more women to the mix can help to make the metaverse a more interesting and dynamic place for everyone.

Finally, women have a lot of untapped potential when it comes to business and commerce in the metaverse. With more women involved, we can see new and exciting businesses being created that cater to a wider range of people. This can only be a good thing for the metaverse as a whole.

So let's make a change. Let's make the metaverse a more women-friendly place. We need more women in power, creating and shaping the virtual world around us. Only then can we truly realize the potential of this amazing place.

Cover picture by GarryKillian



