Women in Leadership series: Lara Utatao & Sarah Court
In this series, we pair together our senior female leaders and ask them to interview each other with a round of quick-fire questions to find out more about their leadership journeys and their perspectives on life and work.
We invited Lara Utatao and Sarah Court to join us for this series to have chat about everything from seizing opportunities in their careers to who inspires them, and what’s something they’re bad at.??
Sarah: Can you explain what you do at the NZ Super Fund??
Lara: I’m the Head of Finance. Our team looks after all the financial reporting for the Guardians, as an employer, and for the investment Fund itself. I’ve been at the Fund for 13 years now. You??
Sarah: Head of Business Solutions Group, otherwise known as BSG. We are a team within the tech function, which manages all change projects that involve technology. I’ve been with the Fund for 9 years.?
Lara: What do you most love about your job???
Sarah: The people. I love coaching my team members and seeing them do well.??
Lara: I like the purpose, the team and the variety of working at the Super Fund. Coming to work every day, I feel like I’m doing something that’s good for taxpayers and for my kids’ future.??
Sarah: Was it your goal to get into a finance career??
Lara: No! I wanted to be a teacher. One of my role models in life – my nana – was a teacher. I did a careers test at school, however, and it came up with auditor.??
When I was looking at graduate positions, I didn’t like the fact that auditors didn’t get their own desks, though! So, I chose to go into tax. I worked in tax for almost 20 years before moving to Finance.??
Sarah: I studied sociology at uni because I wanted to look at what makes people tick, societal structures and drivers, that kind of thing. I wanted to go into marketing and PR.??
It was a recession in the UK when I left uni and I took a job with an investment team for a private Swiss bank. I thought it would be temporary. I ended up really liking the company. It was small and I got to do a lot. There was always something new to learn. I was there for 10 years!??
Sarah: Which three words best describe your leadership style??
Lara: Trust, empowerment and coaching. I’ve learnt that people get so much more fulfilment from working something out for themselves.??
Sarah: Mine are very similar! Clarity, empowering and coaching. I also chose coaching because I like to coach and encourage rather than solve problems for people.??
Lara: If you could share a desk with any woman in history, who would it be??
Sarah: Maya Angelou. She was not only a woman, but a black woman during the US Civil Rights era. Her quote, ‘Do your best until you know better, then do better,’ is one of my favourites. I admire people who can keep their head and come out with statements like that in the face of racism and extremism.??
Lara: I don’t have a good idea for a historical figure but I have worked with lots of inspiring women who I would like to share a desk with. When I worked at Deloitte, there were some female partners I really admired. We have some great examples here too, like our previous Board Chairs Catherine Drayton and Catherine Savage, both of whom would be really good to share a desk with.?
Sarah: Who has inspired you the most over the last year??
Lara: Heaps of my colleagues and also my kids – I’ve got four daughters.??
Sarah: You need a medal just for that.??
Lara: The oldest two, who are identical twins, are turning 18 and they want to move to different cities to go to university. Seeing them excited and preparing for the next stage of their lives makes me feel inspired...and a little emotional too!??
Sarah: Yes, my children inspire me as well! Also my colleagues teach me so much too. I often find myself saying, ‘I’ll add that to my toolkit, thanks’ after conversations with colleagues. Paula Steed (GM Technology at Super Fund) has really inspired me. To see her step up into the acting CEO role, that takes courage and mental toughness.??
Lara: Yes! She’s such an inspiration.?
Sarah: If you had to teach your team a new skill, what would it be and why???
Lara: Honestly the first thing that came to mind – which is probably a little silly – is I’m pretty good at pouring double layer shots. Pouring a shot with two different spirits and keeping them from mixing, like Kahlúa and Baileys – I can separate them beautifully. Ok now I’ve got to practise this as I’ve said it out loud.???
Sarah: I’d teach my team juggling.??
Lara: Wow, you can juggle???
Sarah: No. And I suspect no-one in my team can, so we’d learn together as a team! It would prove that we’re not all good at everything. I think senior staff have as much to learn from more junior staff, and I think learning something like juggling would be quite humbling.?
Lara: What are you bad at??
Sarah: There are lots of things I’m bad at! But some I don’t care about. I wish I was a bit more articulate. Sometimes I struggle for words; I often say too much. And I’m bad at remembering names. It’s like my cache is full in my brain. I need to update and refresh!??
Lara: Sports. My kids and my husband are so good at sport, but I make a fool of myself all the time when I try to play sports. I wish I was much more of a natural!?
Sarah: Both of us have become heads of departments. How did you seize opportunities to advance in your career???
Lara: When I came to the Guardians, I had small kids, and I started in a part-time role. It can be tricky to push yourself. I’m very grateful to Paula Steed for giving me an opportunity to come into an acting head role. I was in the tax team for over 10 years. The next step forward would be Head of Tax, yet I was made acting head of a completely different team when I was made Acting Head of Finance.??
Confidence-wise that was so good for me. I realised I had the skills to go and be a leader of that team, but it’s often not until you do it, that you realise you can. It’s that ‘fake it until you make it’ approach, which I think women can be particularly bad at. We think we need to know how to do something 100% before we can step in and do it. We don’t. There may be one small aspect of a role we’re unsure about, so we don’t put ourselves in the running for it.??
Sarah: A colleague told me that I should apply for my job, so I did. It was someone who believed in me tapping me on the shoulder. I do that to others in my team now.??
Sarah: What do you feel is an essential skill in leadership??
Lara: It depends on what you are trying to achieve. But I think strategic thinking and empathy are essential. You have got to be good with people.?
Sarah: I have three women in tech who I mentor informally, and we were talking about the difference between reacting and responding. I am quite an emotional and passionate person, so I have to pause and try to take the emotion out of a situation and think with a clear head.??
Lara: Don’t you think we’ve also learned this from our kids? Especially when your kids are teenagers and they say something and you have to pause before responding to them like ‘Hmmm...what do you think?’??
Sarah: I’m not freaking out.??
Lara: Exactly, I’m not freaking out. So I think there are lots of things about parenting that are good to remember for leadership at work!?
Note: Lata Utatao was the Head of Finance at the time of this interview. She is now the Acting General Manager, Shared Services at the NZ Super Fund.
About the Business Solutions Group
The Business Solutions Group (BSG) is responsible for partnering with the business to understand and prioritise the business problems that can be solved by technology. We collaborate closely with the business to define and deliver the initiatives that support our business and strategic goals. We also manage a network of external professional relationships to supplement our delivery practices. We are experts in project and programme management, business analysis, enterprise change management and relationship management.
About the Finance team
The Finance team is responsible for all aspects of accounting, budgeting and financial reporting at the Guardians, working closely with a broad range of other areas and levels of the organisation. The team also co-ordinates funding, de-funding and valuation of the NZ Super Fund’s unlisted investments and plays a central role in the design and maintenance of our control environment. The facilities management, travel management and reception roles also fall within the Finance team.
To learn more about our people and teams, please visit the NZ Super Fund website: https://nzsuperfund.nz/your-career/wil-2