Women Leaders: Invite Only Manifesto Sessions
Manifesto Sessions for Women Leaders - The Invite Only Experience
Run by one of Canada's Most Powerful Women and Internationally Award Winning Founder/CEO, Kelsey Ramsden. This experience could change everything for you, if you are ready.
If you or someone you know wants to take control of the year ahead and create a futureproof plan, please read on. The Manifesto Sessions is a two week group program with women from around the world which is run online with a bonus 30 minutes of one on one time with me at the end of the Sessions for those who complete the work.
The Manifesto Sessions is right for women who are in transition and shifting, who want to take control of the year ahead both personally and professionally with laser focus, driving bottom line results in the areas of purpose, finance, relationship and clarity. During the two weeks we do a deep dive into the pillars of successful women and businesses. At the end of the Manifesto Sessions you will have created a personal, intimate and custom Manifesto which will simplify and give clarity to every decision ahead both personally and professionally for the next year. It is a custom road map that has resulted in game changing results like a 1300% increase in sales, reduction of 'busy' time of 3 hours per day, clarity and confidence reducing decision times from weeks to minutes.
The women who enrol in the Manifesto Sessions range from start-out/start-up to running 300 million dollar businesses. The results are game changing for each woman who is ready to level up.
This course starts at the end of February and is an invite only experience.
If you are interested, let us know and a member of my team or I will be in touch with you directly to determine fit. Email [email protected]