Women Leaders Exchange
A few days ago I received an email from a colleague in New York. It began, "We've started an email collective for an uplifting exchange through Women Leaders. It's a one-time thing and we hope you will participate." I was immediately reminded of chain letters of my adolescent years when riches were (falsely) promised to arrive through the mail. I was immediately filled with skepticism. Seeing that the message arrived from a respected architect, I read further.
I am not sure who started the Women Leaders Exchange, but now I think it is a brilliant idea for these times. You are asked to send, to just one person, one small text (quote, poem, phrase, etc.) that is meaningful to you and has influenced you in your career. Additionally, you send the email request message to other women in blind copy.
Now, I am receiving a few emails each day with uplifting words and, just as important, connections to women colleagues. Many of them I may have met, but have not been in close touch with recently. Others are new names sharing a small part of themselves. Each morning I look for the little, priceless "gift" from a woman leader from across the miles. It's an uplifting way to start the day and it has encouraged me to send back a personal note, reinforcing the connection and support.
Once again, I am reminded that women professionals have a special way of communicating. We are creating our own alternative networks that, without fanfare or pretensions, are generous, open, and collaborative. We are actively helping each other now (and will in the future I am sure). It is an expression of our strength and leadership. Thank you!