Women . . . how to protect yourself from male predators
Richard Thornton
Director and Principal Investigator (Architect-Urban Planner) at the Apalache Foundation
Three is the magic number for keeping you safe and alive!
For a male to intentional harm a female or child is a perversion of nature and certainly was considered to be an abomination to our Native American ancestors. That humanity exists at all today is due to the willingness of countless generations of men to put the welfare of their community's women and children even before their own lives.
However, it is a fact of life that has existed, since mankind changed from living in egalitarian Neolithic villages to large towns. One can not have control over all aspects of your future, but there are some straightforward practices that women can follow to reduce the potential for becoming victims.
The occurrence of sadomasochistic murders in rural areas of the Southeast is far more frequent than published statistics would let on . . . especially in the mountains and swampy regions. As will be explained later, most of these murders in the Southeast are politically or religiously motivated, but in a perverted sense of politics and religion.
During the 9 1/2 years that I lived in Pickens County, GA, 24 bodies were found in the Dawson State Forest. Only one, that of Meredith Emerson, was reported in the media. The only reason that a massive manhunt was established to find her was because she had close friends in Metro Atlanta, who raised hell when she didn't come home. The remainder were never reported in the Pickens County Progress newspaper, but were quietly listed as "cause of death unknown" or "probable suicide" by the county coroner. A professional bicyclist was shot in the head on Hwy. 136 in the Dawson Forest within Pickens County. His death was not mentioned until his wife and friends in Atlanta raised hell and got the Atlanta TV stations to cover the murder. He was murdered, because some locals thought he was gay.
Southeastern indigenous kids start wandering through the woods and swamps as soon as they can walk. I was paddling a piroque through a section of the Okefenokee Swamp near my house at age six. I know several Creek women of all ages, who regularly take walks alone through the woods. This is a safety issue that all of you should take seriously.
Types of male predators
(1) Sexual deviate - These men look upon women or children as objects. Their perverted sexual fantasies may or may not include physical injury, but often end in serious injury or death to the victim, because the predator is afraid that the victim will go to law enforcement. Typically, they equate love with total control other another person. If the person cannot be controlled, the deviate views himself as the victim and then proceeds to destroy the object of his perverted love either quickly or over a long period.
(2) Crazy Rich Kids - Some children in material-rich, but love-poor environments turn into monsters. The most common manifestation is those men, who get a perverted thrill out of breaking women's hearts. I knew of one guy in the Roswell, GA area with lots of money and a very sick mind. A lovely woman, who I had a long term relationship with, was one of his victims right after she was divorced. He would watch the legal notices to see which women in his community were getting a divorce. Modern American Caucasian women are particularly inclined to place wealth at the top of their criteria for the male in their life. He would stalk the women for awhile then put himself at a Sunday School class, bar, party or whatever, where they would make contact. On the first date, he would lavish money on them and as a result quickly evolve the situation into an intimate relationship. As soon as the woman displayed emotional attachment, he would dump her without warning and refuse to communicate with her again. I have no doubt that this monster will someday gravitate from killing the souls of women to killing their bodies.
More dangerous are the Killer Rich Kids. Throughout their childhood they display sadistic traits like killing and torturing animals, but are protected from the normal scrutiny of law enforcement or juvenile courts by their family's wealth. Later, they use their wealth to attract women into death traps. A classic example of this type of monster was one of the Kennedy heirs, who gravitated in his late teens from killing neighbors' cats and dogs to killing neighbors' daughters.
(3) Prince Charming Time Bombs - These are certified insane men, who are very skilled at cloaking the evil within them. They are very good at being the life of the party and telling women what they want to hear. They court and give physical nurturing to women for a few hours or a few days, then kill them without warning. Joran Van der Sloot is a classic example of a Prince Charming Time Bomb. He received international notoriety for being the probable murderer of 18-year-old Alabama belle, Natalee Holloway in Aruba. Being a clever criminal, he escaped prosecution in Aruba, only to strangle his beautiful girl friend in Peru . . . this time going to prison.
This is something I noticed, when I had the professional income to have a normal social and romantic life. Again and again, women would reject men, who treated them with respect and threw themselves without caution to men, who inevitably were going to hurt them either emotionally or physically. I don't quite understand this aspect of 21st century life, but it leads to many tragedies.
(4) Ugly Ducking Time Bomb - These are men, who lack the money or good looks, to attract beautiful women. However, some psychological or genetic dysfunction drives them to be sadomasochistic to the point that they kill young, beautiful women in revenge. They begin brushes with the law as teens and may be involved in non-life-threatening criminal activities for decades before suddenly snapping and becoming a brutal killer.
Gary Hinton, the murderer of Meredith Emerson, was involved with petty crimes such as arson, vandalism and fraud much of his life. In 1995, his attorney, Samuel Rael, asked Hinton for help in writing the plot for a murder mystery movie, he was producing. Hinton created the entire story line. A beautiful young woman was kidnapped on the Appalachian Trail in North Georgia. She was held captive in a cabin in the Nacoochee Valley as the abductor made fools of the hundreds of law enforcement personnel looking for her. During this time the kidnap victim fell in love with her abductor. At the end he killed her after she no longer loved him and tried to escape. In January 2008, Hinton acted out every detail of his fantasy, except that Meredith Emerson was held captive in camp sites and she fought his advances throughout captivity. This was a mistake on her part.
See Gary Hinton the movie script writer.
(5) Blue Collar Avengers - Throughout the decades that I have lived in the mountains of North Carolina, Virginia and Georgia, the majority of murders in the national forests have been politically and religiously motivated, in a perverted sense of the terms. Almost all the killers were members of fundamentalist or Pentecostal churches and viewed themselves as acting on behalf of God and his persecuted white people. A classic example is Olympic Games Bomber Eric Rudolph, who viewed his killing of middle class visitors to the 1996 Olympics, women at abortion clinics and gays in a night club as being the will of God.
This has been going on since the 1980s. While Democratic Party officials foolishly changed their focus from being the party of the "Average Joe" to the party of united, but often ludicrous, minorities . . . the Republicans concocted the Southern Strategy. While Working and Middle Class whites were falling farther and farther behind the prosperity of a select mega-weathy elite, their misery was blamed on the educated Upper Middle Class, which was demonized in such terms as "Tax and Spend Libruls," tree-huggers, gays, lesbians, African-American Marxists, illegal immigrants, Marxist-Libruls, Latin American immigrants, Killory-lovers and opponents to their Constitushunel Gun Rahts!
The first murder on the Appalachian Trail occurred in the 1980s near Asheville in response to TV political ad being run in North Carolina. The ad announced that Ronald Reagan was saving our country from Gays and Liberals. Two members of a Pentecostal church observed two educated women hikers in their early 20s, sleeping in the same tent, and assumed they were Lesbians. (They were not.) Both were shot several times. One lady died soon afterward. The other lady miraculously survived, but killed herself six month later out of guilt for being still alive.
And the beat goes on . . .
Things to do and not do, in order to stay alive
This advice comes from a man, who survived for year in the Southern Appalachians, with his three dogs, while a lot of folks wanted him dead. When the Nazi scum realized that I had not committed suicide or gone crazy in response to being given three days notice before being evicted on Christmas Eve, there were numerous attempts on my life. They had planned to show their thralls the terrible things that happen to people, who refuse to join the Party, when ordered to do so. Of course, also these Boss Hoggs didn't know that long, long ago, I was prepared for going overseas alone by a Marine Colonel and Navy SEAL lieutenant, who had both won the Congressional Medal of Honor.
(1) Carry a gun and Kbar military knife, plus know how to use them. I still have the Navy SEAL survival knife, the Navy Lieutenant gave me. It saved my life when I was attacked by bandits in Guatemala Highlands, near the border with Mexico.
(2) Ladies . . . never ever hike, jog or bike alone in remote locations, where there are not a lot of people around and law enforcement close by. If you do so, you are automatically making yourself a ideal victim for a male predator.
(3) Never go hiking, biking, jogging, kayaking or camping with just a single female friend in a remote location. These miscreants will assume that both of you are Lesbian libruls and thus the enemies of God and good White People. Many times, in all the Southern states, two women have been killed or seriously injured because of such perceptions. In fact, it is not really safe for a young couple (male and female) to be out in the wilderness alone. You will be labeled tree-hugger libruls because you are out in nature instead of drinking beer and watching stock car races on TV. Many couples around the United States have been murdered in remote forests.
(4) Three is the magic number for keeping away male predators. I do know of any murder in a national forest in the Southeast, where three or more adult campers were attacked - certainly when they were accompanied by smart dogs. Nevertheless, the situation is even safer if there is one vigorous male in your company, plus three large dogs. It is the reason that I have three smart herd dogs and that white trash have repeatedly tried to kill my Scottish Farm Collies over the past 18 years . . . sometimes succeeding.
In fact, all of the criminal acts against me by Nazi white trash from here in Lumpkin County and also from neighboring Dawson County have been focused on my herd dogs and my car. They put a tracking device on my car. Last summer they arranged their own reality TV show by planning to put a large group of people at the Fresh and Frugal Supermarket parking lot after I arrived . . . complete with video cameras to share their film with the local FOX channel affiliate. You know FOX is the only Christian news! They were going to break my car windows to free my dogs from the summer heat. It WAS too hot to leave dogs in a parked car. Fortunately, they called a sheriff's deputy from across the street to witness their act of heroism and he pointed out that there were no dogs in the car . . . just before they were about to break my windows with a sledge hammer.
(5) Chick-flick movies on TV falsely make you think that clever young women can reason with their attackers. You have to understand that you are not going to be able to use logical conversation to keep these demonic predators from harming you, because deep inside all people are good. These fantasy movies are doing a great deal of harm. Just like the monsters, who shot those girls on the Appalachian Trail near Asheville, they have been brain-washed by Boss Hoggs to think that acts, which harm humans or their property, are good deeds and acts of patriotism, blessed by their war god, Lard Jayses. Their politicized perversion of Christianity is the exact opposite of what Jesus Christ said. However, if you read the words of Jesus, St. John and St. Paul in the Bible to them, they would call it Librul-Marxist lies.
Well, let's face it, these home-grown Nazi's are insane. What possible logic can be applied to killing a young woman out enjoying nature because she looks like a librul, burning a camper's car because it has a bumper sticker for a Democratic candidate on it, or in my case . . . constantly firing EPB weapons so they can stop my car and beat me up. None!
(6) Don't wear bright pastel colors! There is a reason that Nazi's wear black clothes. It makes them feel powerful and also symbolizes that their souls are dead and that they destined to spend eternity in the darkness of Hell.
Something deep inside political predators respond to bright pastel colors like a shark does to blood. A male predator is much more likely to attack a woman wearing “pretty pastels” than earthtone colors. As I mentioned earlier, a professional bicyclist was murdered in Pickens County, GA because his bicycling uniform contained bright pastels to warn motorists away. Locals thought it meant he was gay!
(7) Don’t think that taking some classes in Oriental marshal arts will protect you. Many women, including Meredith Emerson, made this mistake. Unless a woman has years of physical conditioning, to accompany almost daily practice, such tricks will not hold off a large male attacker. In fact, Gary Hinton, Meredith’s killer admitted that one of the reasons that he killed her much earlier than planned was that she was constantly trying to fight him with Oriental martial arts . . . with no effect other than making him angry.
When the Nazi white trashs were attacking my campsites in Western North Carolina, I avoided close hand-to-hand contact . . . which of course, with their baseball bats and clinched fists, they were expecting. Instead I used my Creek war club, which was developed to kill heavily armored Spanish conquistadors. The long club was used to break the knee cap or ankles of a Spaniard, who being top heavy with iron armor, would fall to the ground. The Creek warrior would then cut his threat. Oh, I didn’t try to kill any of them! They probably had cousins in law enforcement. Just let them wallow around calling for their mama and Lard Jayses.
(8) Never let a stranger follow closely behind you on a trail! This was the first mistake that Meredith made. He asked to accompany her on the Appalachian Trail. He then followed behind her closely. When he was sure that no hikers were around, he hit her in the head with a police blackjack and tied her up.
Ten years have passed since the tragic murder of Meredith Emerson. I have never forgotten it for two reasons. First, of course, the stupid Georgia law enforcement focused on me as the prime suspect during the first four critical days, when her life could be saved. I was 50 miles away when she was abducted, but they were more interested in punishing me for refusing to join the Republic Party than the truth. They were surrounding me at the Ingles Supermarket, when Gary Hinton, was driving by with Meredith, very much alive, in the back of his van.
Secondly, though, about a year and half earlier, I met Meredith and her black Lab on the Tumbledown Falls US Forest Service Road in Towns County, GA. She was so sweet . . . just glowed with light within her. Her dog made friends with my dogs. She invited me to hike with her in the direction from which I had just come. I was tempted, but thought she was way too young for me. However, in retrospect, even if an uncle-niece relationship was the only thing possible, she would have always remained safe with me and my Scottish Farm Collies . . . as she hiked around the Georgia Mountains. I guess it is best to have regrets for being too nice and too honest rather than otherwise.
Business Manager
1 年Staying Safe: Lessons Learned from Real-World Experiences My experiences living in challenging environments have instilled in me the importance of personal safety. The safety tips being shared are essential, and I urge everyone to be proactive. Predators come in all shapes and sizes, and can be anyone from strangers to seemingly harmless individuals you know, like friends or family. Here are some key takeaways I've learned: Trust your gut.?If a situation feels off, it probably is. Excuse yourself and remove yourself from the situation. Maintain situational awareness.?Be mindful of your surroundings and the people around you. Establish boundaries.?Don't feel pressured to engage with unwanted communication or attention. Build a strong support system.?Surround yourself with people you trust and who can look out for you.
Consulting Data Engineer @ Gosho @ Magic | Consultant @ Kaiser | Views are my own & do not reflect those of any of my clients.
7 年If this topic is of serious interest to any of you men who have weighed in here I would suggest researching 1. Victim blaming, 2. Man-Splaining, and 3. rape-culture in articles written by WOMEN who have actually been attacked. Whereas the author has made some useful points -- for all people's safety, not just women's i.e. travel in threes -- and has some interesting stories to tell... I really can't say it's the same thing. To use the author's own logic: "That humanity exists at all today is due to the ability of countless generations of women to safeguard their welfare and not rely on men or men's advice to protect their own lives. " We don't need men to tell us what to do to avoid attacks. We need men to LISTEN to us quietly when we talk about our own experiences. If genius is a genetic trait, it is passed down to women just as often as it is passed down to men. Self interest is a hell of a motivator and I assure you that whatever your interest is in keeping a woman safe, her interest is a million times greater. We can't rely on men to protect us. Not with their physical presence and not with their well intentioned advice. All of us know of way to many women who have been attacked to be so foolish.
Expansion of Business at T&A | Circular Economy Transition ??
7 年Be one male or female; common sense should prevail in all aspects of life. Yes, we all face “difficult” moments in our lives, & I assure you a hashtag willn't solve it -one needs to address & resolve it oneself...
7 年Good article Rich!Maybe you could also write an article on the rise of female teachers becoming predators of male children under their care in the education system.