Women - Hold Your Head High!
As we discuss Future of Work, every individual, irrespective of gender, is trying to put their best foot forward to achieve success. While it’s easily accepted and applauded when men of the family follow their career path and ambitions, do you see women around you receive similar support without asserting, struggling, and debating for it?
We have innumerable examples of exemplary women leaders and women entrepreneurs. Sure, they have all earned the knowledge, experience, success, and fame at certain costs in their lives.
To all the women out there who aspire to become an inspiring leader, follow their dream path, climb the ladder of success, while they hold on to their families; We have tried to list a few simple, yet powerful MANTRAS:
1.????Only you have the right to decide your future - While you can seek advice, be sure to be responsible for your future.
2.????Trust your mindful decisions - Have trust in the decisions which you have made after careful analysis.
3.????Being Career-Oriented is really great - Have no regrets when people say she is only bothered about her career. Being career-oriented doesn’t push the family to the back seat.
4.????Know where to detach - Detach yourself from any conversation which creates negativity and drags you down.
5.????You need no kingdom to be Queen - Treat yourself as Queen and you can see the difference
6.????It’s okay not to be okay - Feel free to express yourself whether at work or home.
7.????Facing obstacles/repulsion doesn’t mean you chose the wrong path - Life isn’t a garden plot to expect everything goes your way. It instead is a maze.
8.????Have your ME time - While you work for your family and Organization, make it a directive to find your?Piece of Mind in ME time.
9.????You are not the only person responsible for things around you - Every individual has a role to play in the family and at work. Don’t try to play the role of the universe and burn out yourself.
10.?Finally, Hold Your Head High - Be proud of yourself. Only you have lived your ups and downs, highs and lows.
Every day is a Women’s Day when you live by the spirit of womanhood!
Yours’ friendly neighbourhood fellow women.
By Shilpa Kunchurkar