Women as the Face of Financial Change and Economic Prosperity in today’s world; A Blueprint for Elevating Economic Prospects for Women.

Women as the Face of Financial Change and Economic Prosperity in today’s world; A Blueprint for Elevating Economic Prospects for Women.

As we commemorate International Women's Month, I want to talk to you about the importance of financial empowerment in the lives of women. We all want to see more women in leadership roles throughout society, and we all want to see gender violence, discrimination, and disadvantage against women eliminated as a result. I strongly believe that women would suffer less if they were financially empowered.

As human beings, men and women alike, we have the ability to add value and contribute to the development of economies. However, there is a disparity in the level of financial empowerment between men and women. There are no laws that stop women from building businesses, investing in real estate, or starting tech startups.?

So, why do we still find ourselves in a position where we're constantly talking about people giving us power or giving us a seat at the table??

While there are vulnerable women in poor communities and other parts of society who face significant challenges, if you are reading this article, chances are you are not one of them. It’s no news that over the years, women have been less likely to start and grow businesses, invest in real estate or the stock market, or create wealth in other ways.

I want to make the case to you that you need to become the face of financial change in your industry. It's time to change the narrative and become the face of economic prosperity. The majority of women today typically start businesses or engage in other wealth-creating activities at the level of sustenance or survival, but if we want financial prosperity, we must move from we must move from micro to mega thinking in our approach to building businesses.

As ACE women leaders, we need to think big and act boldly if we are going to create wealth and contribute to economic prosperity.

In addition, a crucial hindrance to this economic prosperity is that most women tend to start businesses or social enterprises with social impact in mind but neglect the enterprise part.

While social impact is important, to create serious wealth, you must understand the game of profit-making and the exit point of your business. It is at this point that you begin to experience what is called economic prosperity.

To sustain financial success, women also need to be comfortable with having serious conversations about balance sheets, the economy, politics, and other related topics.

The books you read, the movies you watch, and the conversations you engage in should reflect your desire for economic prosperity. Savings and investment groups are a good starting point, but as a female leader, you need to aim higher and build from the mindset of being a wealth creator and legacy builder.

In conclusion, ACE women need to challenge the status quo and push for equity by becoming financially successful and savvy.

When women are part of the financial conversation, they can better contribute to the economic prosperity of their families, communities, and the world at large.

It's time to reconfigure your mindset as a high impact female leader, get conversant with the practical tools needed to achieve financial success, and become true contributors to economic prosperity.

I hope to see you soon on power lists like the Forbes, Fortune, Business Day, and other lists that highlight outstanding women leaders shattering glass ceilings in their fields.?

Wishing every Female Ace Leader an economically empowered International Women’s Day.?

It’s your time to make Ace Moves.

Happy International Women’s Month.

Chief Igniter,

Udo Okonjo


