Women in Engineering - Holly's Story
Rospen Industries Ltd
Over the decades, Rospen Industries have remained the UK’s leading weighing and metering specialist.
I am often asked if I always wanted to be an engineer, the answer is no, I wanted to be a fighter pilot, but back in the mid-nineties, this was not possible for a woman. With the help of an RAF careers officer, we decided my love of how things work would suit me to engineering and if I joined as an engineer, eventually the rules would change. I have always been fascinated by how things work, my mum tells me I get a certain look on my face when I’m trying to work it out, which is normally when tools are hidden to prevent me from taking things apart.
The minute I expressed an interest in studying engineering two things happened.
1. A classmate told me I couldn’t do engineering because it was a boy’s subject.
2. My school career teacher found as many "Women in Engineering" courses and open days for me to attend.
If my classmate’s comment had any effect, it was to make me more determined to get an engineering degree. To my shame, I cannot remember the name of the teacher, but she deserves so much credit for getting me where I am. Thanks to her I went on a WIE open day at Manchester University, did a summer research project at Lancaster University, and then a week-long Insight residential at Sheffield Hallam.
These courses helped me hugely when deciding exactly which course I wanted to do, I had originally been thinking about aeronautical engineering but changed my mind to a more general mechanical engineering route.
My four years at the University of Exeter were hard work but I enjoyed them immensely, I also had a chance to work with the next batch of female engineers by becoming a mentor with the Insight program which I had attended as a student. During this time, I also changed my mind on my future direction, and being a pilot was no longer in my plans.
On graduation I struggled for a while, many of the regular graduate schemes were not accepting applicants or rejected me simply because I wanted to be based in the North West. Eventually, I got a job in an educational furniture company. From there I’ve worked in several different industries before joining Rospen.
The thing I enjoy most about my job is the collaboration with my colleagues and passing on my knowledge from 19 years in the industry.
Oh and being able to face that classmate at my school reunion and say "I’m an engineer”.
Holly Bambury
Project Engineer
Rospen Industries