Are women easily affected by Domestic servitude?

Are women easily affected by Domestic servitude?

Domestic servitude is the ostensibly common practice of employing live-in help as a cover for exploiting and controlling someone, usually from another nation. It is a form of forced labor, but because of the particular situations and issues it brings, it deserves its category of slavery.

Domestic servitude victims may appear to be nannies or other domestic assistants, but the moment their job arrangement changes to the point where they are unable to leave of their own free will, they are enslaved.

Victims of live-in help may face distinct vulnerabilities as a result of their circumstances. Domestic workplaces are frequently not shared with other workers and are attached to off-duty living quarters. It is possible to isolate domestic employees in such a setting, which is not favorable to their well-being.

Bonded labour can also include domestic servitude. When migrant workers arrive in their target country and incur a debt for their travel and/or a recruitment charge, they are considered slaves. While they are working, if their employer or recruiter puts on additional charges that cannot be returned, such as accommodation or food, the situation has devolved into slavery. This problem is exacerbated when employers or recruiters fail to provide or confiscate legal papers because migrant domestic workers are typically afraid of legal repercussions if they report mistreatment. Women always fall prey to it.

Forced marriage has also been related to domestic servitude. Forced marriage is defined as a marriage that occurs without the agreement of one or both individuals, and it is considered a violation of human rights by the United States government. It's also an example of child enslavement in the case of minors. Forced marriage is a hybrid of other types of slavery, such as forced labour, sexual enslavement, and domestic servitude.

Domestic servitude is practiced throughout the world. Domestic servitude is common among migrant workers, and some recruiting organisations deceive people into migrating abroad and then stealing their documents. Workers are trapped inside a house with no ability to flee. These workers-turned-slaves are sometimes abused by the family they serve, and they work from early dawn to late at night. These persons frequently do not speak the local language, are afraid of immigration officials, or are unable to communicate outside of the home they serve. Beatrice Fernando's story exemplifies how this occurs all around the world.

There is another example from the U.S. Sandra, an upper-middle-class mother with a sturdy brick home and well-kept lawn, is the protagonist of The Slave Next Door. She wanted a housemaid and nanny, but did not want to spend a lot of money on them. She went to Mexico and told a family that she would provide their daughter with an education in the US. Maria, their daughter, was smuggled into the United States and imprisoned in Texas almost immediately. Sandra, is presently serving a life sentence for human trafficking, pepper sprayed Maria, beat her with brooms and bottles, and sexually attacked her with a gardening tool. Maria was in the backyard when the crime was discovered and she reported it to the police.

In Haiti, where forced child servants are known as restaveks, forced domestic servitude is quite frequent. Restavek is derived from the French phrase "rester avec," which means "to remain with." In exchange for better care and educational possibilities, Haitian parents send their children to work and live with other families. These youngsters are forced to work as enslaved domestic workers, and there are hundreds of accounts of their being subjected to severe beatings and horrific living conditions while never receiving the care or education that they were promised.

Hence, Domestic servitude is a form of human trafficking that is extremely difficult to detect because the work is done in private residences as a seemingly normal practise, which is used as a cover for the exploitation and control of someone like nannies or other domestic help. But when their employment arrangement transitions into a situation where they are unable to leave on their own free will, it becomes enslavement. Women should chain and stand up to put an end to this human trafficking.


