Women, Don't Stop Innovating
in·no·vate | verb | gerund or present participle: innovating | make changes in something established, especially by introducing new methods, ideas, or products. introduce (something new, especially a product).
This week I attended the Innovators Women Conference at the University of Minnesota. This is an event that I have attended for many years because of the energy that women innovators bring to the atmosphere. It is inspiring and contagious.
This year was no different as we heard from successful women innovators share their stories of persistence and passion for their vision to innovate. We heard new industries being established, strategies for raising money, developing entrepreneur skills in whatever job you are in, and efficient ways of improving current business operations.
I want to share the three nuggets that I got from this experience and let women know "Don't stop innovating.". You can change your world.
For many innovators they have too many ideas that can stifle getting started. I know my mentors are continually reminding me about focus on one idea. This makes me laugh as I write this because it is so hard for me to focus on one idea, because one idea leads to more ideas. Once you get fear of failure out of your system, you can take the first step and let the journey began. You will see the world open up for you. I like the analogy of the headlights of the car where you can only see in front of where you are at but as you move forward you will continue to see more of the road.
This reminded me when I first stepped out of my comfort of the 8-5 job and into starting my own business. I had not counted the costs or maybe I had and it was worth it to me to loose it all to follow a dream but my household didn't think the same. So make sure the time is right or at least you have agreement with your household that things might be different as you step out into innovating a new idea. Don't let this stop you from leveraging opportunities where you are at, even in public service or industry. All experience will make your entrepreneur adventure successful.
Women can tend to look at others and make comparisons to their situation. It isn't until you get in a 1:1 with someone that you hear the true story that might not be so different from yours. Be confident that your journey is unique to you, just as your vision is for innovating your world to make it better for others.
I love hearing people's entrepreneur journey and would love to hear yours.
Thanks for reading and have a great weekend.