Women deserve free contraception
Non-surgical permanent contraception for women (QS) should be available everywhere.
QS is Quinacrine Sterilization, where pellets are placed in the uterus thru a straw, and the results are permanent. It is not currently available because it is too inexpensive and too effective, and because not enough men and women have insisted on it.
by Donald Collins (Author) Amazon Kindle Edition
This book is a thank you to women highlighting a century of key pioneers in the women’s reproductive movement, with a brief history to help explain why the fight for women’s equality is so critical to men and for all of humanity.
As a first step in leveling the playing field for women to be equal to men (4♀2B=♂), we all must fight for:
1) complete control over our bodies (as opposed to control by anyone else, e.g., religious leaders, politicians, or businesses), and;
2) access to the best, safe, and most effective contraceptive methods that people like, and that they will use like the Lippes Loop and QS all free for our lifetimes. Please take our survey, and;
3) a game plan for economic success like a simple idea so that we can save time and money and have the healthiest and happiest of families.
This book, referring to hundreds of publications proving the safety and efficacy of non-surgical permanent contraception for women (QS) would never have happened without thousands of healthcare providers who recognized the value to women of QS and the undying support chiefly of ISAF CEO Dr. Stephen D. Mumford, Dr. Jack Lippes, Sarah G. Epstein, and Donald Collins, Sr. Thank you!