Women Build up other Women
Abba Loughran
I’m Abba I aspire to be a youth worker I have big dreams to make the world a better place, raised in care I don’t let anything define me, co chair of BFriends Charity in Birmingham ?#Bfriends #beyou
So you might be wondering what is women build up other women about. Well this month in March its national women's day and I want to celebrate being a woman and the women in my own life by sharing women building up other women.
As a woman I am proud of every woman that has had the courage to stand up for their rights and their beliefs. Without those women none of us would be where we are today, I may not have been able to type this article today without those brave women. I am thankful for each one and even now we still see so many empowering women speakers that fight for women's rights every day. I am proud that we are brave to speak our own opinions and views without hesitation.
It might sound strange but I actually didn't understand my value as a woman until I turned 14, my god mother who has been the most amazing human being in the world, been there through my struggles, to talk through the tough stuff and give me the most real advice said to me, your a strong woman and you should be proud of that. It was then that I realized the value of being woman and also those around me. My mom, teachers, sisters, niece, managers and friends. I looked around and thought you know what I am so proud of each and every one of these people and thankful for what they have brought into my life.
One thing I do believe in is women building up other women, empowering them, sharing with them and being nice to each other. Sometimes not everyone wants to build each other up for different reasons but to me that's never made sense, we only get one chance at life why not help each other along the way and be nice to each other.
So if there is one message I want to share this month as well as how proud I truly am of every single woman, its to be kind to each other, compliment each other, be supportive life is hard enough and sometimes one small kind act can be life changing. We are only on this earth once, we only get one shot at this so lets celebrate this month together and build each other up. #Nationalswomensday #womenbuildupotherwomen