The woman you love: what would you do to protect her?
Peter Nguyen
CEO and founder, OES (AI Company), digital marketing teacher, business consultant, author
I watched this thriller yesterday, it was engaging and exciting all the way through.
It reminded me of the twisted tale of love Lune de Fiel, where an American writer falls in love with a Parisian girl and tragedy ensues.
Without revealing the plot, it seems to me that it's about passion vs conviction.
A man has to be strong like a tall tree, undisturbed and unflappable, and under the shade it provides, his woman can feel free and safe, and dance joyfully.
He understand her passion, but she doesn't understand his strength.
It also reminds me of Walter and Kitty in The Painted Veil where Kitty mistakenly falls for a charming man who has neither substance nor conviction. She cheater on Walter yet he remains loyal and steadfast to her, perhaps understanding why she acted that way. He loves her nevertheless while she realizes, too late, how strong and admirable Walter really is.
We live now in a world where "passion" seems to be the mot du jour, the trendy thing to do. "Do your passion and money will follow" etc.
But there is a need to (re-)discover strength, persistence, the ability to stay the course even when it becomes difficult. That is conviction.
Conviction is more quiet, perhaps even invisible to the untrained eye. But over time, we can see that conviction can teach something to passion, which is not enough for the good life.
Passion is too much out of control, an idea that Ana de Mas expressed beautifully throughout the movie.
In one memorable scene, we can also see that he learned something from her passion for life.
It seems then that both masculine and feminine energies are needed for a balanced life, and both must find a healthy way to express themselves.
Deep Water is a great movie not just for understanding and appreciating the complex dynamics playing out in a relationship but also the struggle within each human being. We all struggle with deciding which aspects of us to express: the child-like passion or the reasoned conviction?
What is the right balance or timing? The exploration, learning and mastery of both energies: that's what life is all about.