To the Woman You Are and Will Become

To the Woman You Are and Will Become

Today, the world celebrates women's exceptional strength, resilience, achievement, and brilliance. But we are writing this to let you know that we see you and it's okay to be just you.

It's Okay to Be You- You Are Enough

While the world is focused on exceptional qualities, it's okay to enjoy where you are in your journey. You don't have to wait to move mountains to celebrate yourself.

Before you make that groundbreaking discovery and change the world, appreciate the person making that journey. You are throwing so many little wins away just because you haven't gotten the win yet.

Celebrate being yourself, being a woman...just being yourself is worth celebrating. You have value and you always will.

It's Okay to Make Mistakes- You Are Not Meant to Be Perfect

While most people think the most brilliant minds are the ones who make perfect decisions, we disagree. If you wait till you get it all perfect before you take the first step, you won't get anything remarkable done.

Every optimized research, revised edition, and published manuscript is because someone dared to try, knowing fully well they may fail. They did their best and yes, people have built on their knowledge, but they laid the groundwork. Don't be scared to pioneer- it's okay to try, and it's okay to fail.

People who go far are those willingly to give their attempts 100% even if the chances of failure are 99.9%

You Can Be Anything You Want But You Need Support

If women can be anything and do anything they put their mind to, why are we always campaigning for support? Because one woman making a remarkable contribution to the world is great but it's simply not enough.

The year-after-year International Women's Day campaigns are not just to light a fire that will eventually die by the end of March, it's to help young girls and women like you see the incredible things you can achieve with examples of women who have.

Imagine having 100, 1000, 1 million, a billion, or even 3 billion women making change happen in their own way, across different fields. Women are half of the world's population, investing in women means the world gets to grow twice as fast.

You Are on a Journey- Don't Give Up Now

Don't put unnecessary pressure on yourself to be everything, but please, take chances on yourself. Getting over the fear of failure helps you to fail faster and better, so you can get it right.

If you begin today, in 3 years you will no longer be a beginner- you will have gained so much experience and honed your skills.

Always remember your mistakes are not irredeemable failures, they are valuable experience.

Don't be discouraged, that failed experiment will only determine the course of your life if you let it. Get up and try again, this time with the advantage of your experience.

Who Do You Think You Will Be in the Future?

You can be anything you want but who will you be? We can't answer that for you, only you can.

That is why we got this great idea to let you write a letter to your future self about who you want to be. You could write to who you will be in 6 months, 1 year, or even 5-10 years.

Do you know how amazing that would be? You are just sitting and suddenly you get a letter that shows you how far you have come and how much you can still achieve.

You can write to your future self using Futureme or any other app that allows you to write to yourself.

Disclaimer- Wadi isn't partnered with any of this app and doesn't receive any form of financial gain from your letters.

We simply want you to become your own biggest fan. Make sure you give your future self all the best affirmations and deserve it.

Well, It's a Wrap

It was nice having you here and we hope you embrace the woman you are today and all the incredible things you will become.

Happy International Women's Day,


The Wadi Team


  • 5 Women That Changed Science and Research in Africa and the World

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  • Discover How Wadi Is Building the Future of African Research


