Woman with Severe Chronic Gut Pain for 10 Years, Finds Natural Relief in 5 Weeks... Here's Why!
Testimonial brought to you by Elite Dynamic Life

Woman with Severe Chronic Gut Pain for 10 Years, Finds Natural Relief in 5 Weeks... Here's Why!

Our client battled with chronic gut pain for over a decade before she started working with us. She had tried doctors, diets, cleanses, exercise, everything she could think of but nothing worked.

Many people have a similar story, and at every turn, it is explained as unexplainable. She was forced to live with it, and had accepted living with severe pain day in and day out as "normal".

Our client was a single mom from Utah, working two jobs while taking care of her son. She had pain every day, having to fight off tears, even when asked on a scale of 1-10, her base starts at 10 on a typical person's scale, and up from there, she was at a 7!!

Her situation was blamed on her emotions, by others, even though besides the obvious fact that she was dealing with severe daily pain which would weigh on any person.

She now regularly uses the bathroom, doesn't deal with bloating or pain, and has the energy she needs to be the more active person she's always wanted to be, like taking her son to the park more often. Before, it was extremely challenging just to complete basic daily tasks!

One of the best aspects as well, is that she no longer has pain behind her smiles!

Gut pain is something that has only increased over the years and affects millions and millions of people. It has to do with several factors, however, one of the most major things to understand is some foods were made for the human body to consume and nourish itself with, and others, are seen as foreign entities that need to be attacked.

For example, if you consume certain poisons, such as from certain snakes, but it's through your digestive system, you can survive it (may not feel so great, but you won't die) as opposed to having the poison directly inserted into your bloodstream like through a snake bite!

In the same way, we have been taught to consume poisonous foods and drinks, and when this occurs, the body, naturally, will attack it, leading to inflammation in the gut and lack of utilization of nutrients (less nutrient-dense foods will not sustain the human body properly).

These two factors alone will lead to the starvation of good gut bacteria, (hence the bloating which is usually always due to an excess of bad bacteria), a weakened gut lining, and the consistent but necessary inflammatory response will lead to pain in the gut.

When inflammation takes place, things expand, when things expand more than they should, consistently, they become swollen, sensitive, and push against other nerves which creates feelings of pain.

If a gut isn't working properly, there will be pain, there will be constipation, there will be lack of energy and moodiness, a slower and weaker immune system, and so much more.

If the body is not consuming natural whole foods and can break down and utilize those nutrients, then it will never have a healthy gut and the body will starve itself of nutrients, even while being fed!

Eating synthetic foods, not drinking quality water, staying indoors all day, consuming unbeneficial supplements, and other poor habits will lead to poor gut health. If a person is dealing with gut pain, there is a reason why!

Nothing happens in this life without a reason, there is ALWAYS an answer!

If you have questions about your gut health and are looking for some answers, comment below "gut"

What's your favorite gut-healthy snack to make?


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