Woman are a large army
Carla Rodrigues Schoeman
MD. Moving you with ease. We are adaptable, dependable and first of all helpful
Trust all was enjoyed over the past weekend. You were made breakfast in bed and much more. I am in awe of Super Woman that run a household and have children. Topping this are Woman who are single mothers and still bring it all home. I Salute you.Woman are indeed dynamic in the workplace. We fulfill a role and function like no other. As men have there space in the decision makings. So do woman.
When I look at our office and the ladies that surround us. Each doing there bit to be the best they can be. Woman indeed are awe inspiring. Never take for granted that as capable as we are. We also have the need for time out, alone time. As well as being made to feel special and loved, adored and moments to be Feminine. The world around us can make us tough and hard. We have to fight more than ever to still remain womanly in our approach. This does not make us weak. However attractive to those around us. Stop. Smell the roses from time to time. We do not need a day to do this. Regular intervals help us to keep sane.
Mop are there to assist you. You industrious woman. Undoubtedly we cover all the bases so you don't have to. To being who you are and much more.
The Woman Duo at MOP