Working on your health goals? Are you stuck in the gap?
Anthea McCourtie
Helping busy, driven women boost their energy, lose weight and rediscover their confidence through personalised transformation programmes. Nutritional Therapy | Personal Training | Yoga | Lifestyle Changes
Earlier this year, while listening to the Lifestyle Entrepreneur Podcast hosted by Sue Parker MSc , I was introduced to a powerful concept: the gap and the gain. After reading the book by Dan Sullivan, everything clicked. I suddenly understood why I had been struggling with my mindset towards both my business and personal goals. This concept isn’t just another self-development idea—it’s a game-changer, especially when applied to health and weight loss goals. If you’re like me—a perfectionist with high standards who tends to be pretty hard on yourself—then keep reading. You might be unknowingly stuck in the gap.
So, what exactly are the gap and the gain?
Simply put, the gap is the distance between where you are now and where you want to be. It’s that feeling that you’re not there yet, that you have so much further to go. On the other hand, the gain is all about your progress—what you’ve achieved since you started working toward your goal. It’s a shift in focus from what’s lacking to what’s been accomplished.
How does that impact our health goals?
When it comes to your health goals, be that weight loss, boosting energy, balancing hormones or all of the above - being stuck in the gap can manifest in several ways. Maybe you’re constantly thinking about how much further you have to go to reach your goal clothing size or measurements. Perhaps you’re frustrated that you still can’t lift a certain weight, master a yoga pose, or complete a workout without feeling out of breath. While this awareness can spark motivation in short bursts, dwelling on these thoughts too long can be incredibly de-motivating. It can chip away at your self-confidence and even negatively impact the actions you take toward your goals.
This is where the gain comes in. The gain gives you an opportunity to recognize and appreciate what you’ve achieved, where you started, and where you are now. It’s about celebrating your progress, no matter how small it may seem. And while it might sound simple, shifting your mindset from the gap to the gain can be surprisingly challenging.
?Am I stuck in the gap?
Ask yourself: How often do you overlook, minimize, or even discount your achievements? These moments can be subtle — a passing thought that what you’ve done isn’t good enough or that it doesn’t really count. Like many potentially self-destructive behaviours - these tendencies often stem from a place of self-protection. Personally, I’ve noticed that I’m afraid of becoming complacent, of settling for less and lowering my standards. Any driven women here feel that? For so many women, especially those of who’ve been attuned to that subtle conditioning as girls, to be modest, downplaying achievements can feel like the right thing to do. But in reality, it can hold you back.
On every weight loss journey, there will be moments of frustration and challenge—it’s completely natural. In my sessions with clients, we don’t just focus on the personalised nutrition aspect.? We spend time focusing on the gain when needed because it’s a powerful tool. When your confidence is waning, I highly recommend making a list of your achievements over a particular time period. This was something I learned from coach Natalie Arabella Bailey ?? and it’s been incredibly impactful. As I reflected, I was amazed at how many things I had downplayed or actually forgotten.?
?A challenge for you!
So, here’s my challenge to you: List what you’ve achieved in the last 5–10 years. These don’t even have to be health-related. The goal is to remind yourself of what you’re capable of. Do it, keep it for reference, and let me know how you get on!?
Remember, focusing on the gain can shift your entire mindset and empower you to move forward with confidence. Don’t let the gap rob you of your present joy or your progress so far. Celebrate every step you’ve taken, no matter how small, and use that as fuel to keep going. You’re capable of more than you think!
And if you want to find out more about personalised nutrition, training and transformation programmes, message me and let's arrange a chat. Any one to one programmes booked before 31st August 2024 are 25% off!