Woj, Social Media, and The NBA Trade Deadline
We live in a world of instant information. Looking back to the days where news was primarily announced through a newspaper, it is interesting to see how the world has changed. We now have instant access to millions of different opinions from wherever we are at the time. Right off the bat, this seems like a great advantage in today's world, but it also good make things just as confusing and hectic. This is especially true during the times of the NBA Trade Deadline. The rumors that go around social media are wild about which players are going to get traded or sign to a certain team. The rumors can start small, but once enough people start to believe them they almost seem to be truth already. With the power of social media, it is so easy to search for the news that is true, but get lost in all of the different opinions.
Here is where the power of Adrian Wojnarowski comes in. Wojnarowski, or Woj for short, is an NBA analyst who has been known to release tweets on NBA news and to be one of the first to do so. When NBA news is rumored to be dropped, people look to Woj, waiting for him to drop a "Woj Bomb" and break the news. When this year's NBA trade deadline hit, there was a lot of speculation on Twitter around what player was going to which team. In all the social media haze, Woj is the one pillar that the fans of the NBA can rely on. Up to the last minute of the trade deadline, there were potential rumors being reported that kept fans on the edge of their seat. This concept would be wild to think about before the era of social media. Knowing what happens a minute after it happens is a result of having social media. People need to get their information instantly these days and Woj helps to contribute to the factual side of social media. It is slowly becoming harder and harder to find the truth about what is actually happening online and it is important to rely on certain people to have factual, timely content to distribute to the public, even if it is just about basketball.