Witnessing Mini-Miracles
Part 1: What is a mini-miracle?
Before we begin discussing mini-miracles lets define what this new term means.? Miracles are reserved for something that only the divine can influence.? “The word miracle is usually used to describe any beneficial event that is physically impossible or impossible to confirm by nature” and natural law.? It is important to note that we see them as something positive, remarkable and impossible to occur without divine influence.
Are we humans connected to the Divine?? Most certainly, this is a cornerstone of every faith that regards some form of divine being or universal intelligence.?? Chiropractic begins with “The Major Premise – A Universal Intelligence is in all matter and continually gives to it all its properties and actions, thus maintaining it in existence.”
Is it possible for us nondivine begins to have any influence related to the divine?? Maybe but by definition if we do this cannot be a “miracle”.? Perhaps we cannot influence the nature and force of the divine, but we can influence things that become barriers to divine influence or force that already exists.? We can indeed remove barriers, the largest problem is that most of us do not know the barriers are there.? We can also unintentionally form barriers.? Unfortunately, it means our thoughts and actions can create barriers as well.? Giving up is a thought barrier.?
When we remove barriers in ourselves or help others do the same we may experience what seems like a miraculous recovery from a very poor prognosis.? WOW!! What just happened? was that a Miracle?? I call this experience a mini-miracle. A mini-miracle is then not a miracle but perhaps related to healing or recovery thought to be impossible or highly improbably that was already going to happen if barriers were not in the way.
So what then are Mini-Miracles?? Let’s define this as A positive beneficial event, a healing of the bodymind, highly unlikely to occur by non-divine influence, which after some change occurs anyway.?? The outcome and result are both positive and remarkable.? The right set of barriers to divine influence were removed, at the right time, by the right patient and right doctor.???
When any Doctor gains understanding of the pathophysiology of the patient's problem and understand the cause(s), we can help the most by removing interference the body’s natural healing force or by working with the patient to do so.
Doctors in the natural healing categories are very fortunate, some would say blessed, to bear witness to increased volumes of mini-miracles. ?We expect innate intelligence to be part of all life, we expect to find barriers to innates force, we expect to remove these barriers, and we expect that mini-miracles are not only possible but likely when this is accomplished.
Part 2
A very quick and incomplete guide to Chiropractic philosophy, it starts with the Major Premise that “a universal intelligence exists in all matter that gives it all its properties and actions and thus maintains it in existence.”? “Life is necessarily the union of intelligence and matter.”? “The function of intelligence is to create force, and the function of matter to express that force.”? “Each living thing has inborn intelligence within it, innate intelligence” “the function of innate intelligence is to adapt universal forces in matter for use in the bodymind, so that all parts of the bodymind will have coordinated action.”? The author’s use of the term bodymind to replace body comes from eastern philosophy of similar nature.?
In essence the divine is connected to all life and everyone.? This makes miracles possible for any individual at any time.?
Chiropractic philosophy is one path to understanding how a mini-miracle might occur and increasing the odds of their occurrence.? Again a mini-miracle is “A positive beneficial event, a healing of the bodymind, highly unlikely to occur by non-divine influence which occurs anyway.”? Meaning that it is possible, just highly unlikely.? Chiropractic philosophy creates for us a guide and impetus to seek out and remove barriers.? We seek to change the highly unlikely recovery to a likely one, not impossible to possible.
Each condition problem or disease can be internally caused or externally caused.? Externally we are looking at competing organisms like lions, tigers, other humans, to bacteria, fungus and viruses or other external sources such as trauma or exposure to toxins.? Internally, we are looking at interference between the bodymind’s perception of universal forces or the force that innate intelligence wants to apply.? Nerves our our afferent and efferent messenger, if the information traveling on these is interfered with outcomes can result in diseases.? Additionally, the mind is a powerful force direction device, our experiences shape it’s power and direction, a problem of the mind, certain “thots”, can result in blockage or misdirection of innate forces.?
To be a mini miracle then we need it to be positive, remarkable, highly unlikely to resolve without divine assistance / innate intelligence, a prognosis of intractable or incurable.? When both a Doctor and a patient are tenacious in their approach to discover a set of causes and remove them, it allows the Innate intelligence to act.? Initiate intelligence exists because universal intelligence put it there to apply force. This force is what made you.? This force is what heals you. When conditions are met, tenacious doctor and tenacious patient discover a set of causes and remove what are barriers to innate’s healing force we have met the criteria to witness a mini-miracle.? The event is not possible, but it may or may not occur.
Mini-Miracles happen all the time.? We have limited this term’s definition to those that contain a condition with a poor prognosis.? The prognosis should not limit your mindset, your very tenacity to overcome highly unlikely is part of what changes the outcome to likely.? The change usually occurs after a shift in thinking about the problem(s).? A new patient mindset, a new doctor mindset, or a change in both mindset initiated by the current or new pair of patient and doctor to explore something new.? Mini-miracles happen more frequently with mindful Doctors and mindful Patients that explore the cause deeply and tenaciously.? Mini-miracles also happen more frequently when the healing art applied aligns to universal truths.? These healing arts focus on removing interference and restoring balance and treating causes.? ?
Random or misguided changes of course are not the answer. ?The prerequisite is finding a mindful tenacity in both patient and doctor to understand cause and pathophysiology.? One should always consider and be informed of risks before making any changes.? However, one should also be aware that staying on the course on something that is not working is also a choice and risk.
Part 3 Limitations
When a Chiropractor encounters a patient with a problem inconsistent with the patients natural state and age that does not resolve or heal, they often express that the patient has reached a “limitation of matter.”? However, universal intelligence and innate intelligence are not limited.? This is instead most likely a limitation of Doctor.? Doctors, please read that again.??
It means if you the Doctor and patient persist and figure out the causes blocking innate intelligence and remove them, then the innate intelligence will resolve the condition.? It will no longer be useful to refer to the condition as a limitation of matter to the patient.? More importantly what was a limitation of doctor will no longer be.? We could say that through this process of discovery you the doctor have leveled up.
A Mini-miracle in Bone Healing
Let me share one mini-miracles that happened to me.? I wrote down most of this just after it happened.? I was not a doctor then please forgive the expression as they represent my notes at the time.
How I witnessed a mini-miracle healing an “intractable”, poor prognosis severe stress fractures in one of my legs.
Situation: In 2013, I was diagnosed with severe stress fractures in one of my legs.? Multiple Doctors including orthopedic specialists had no further treatment for me.? The Chiropractor also let me know I may have reached a limitation of matter.? The prognosis was poor and the treatment expected was for me to use a cane or crutch or wear a football like knee brace for the rest of my life.? Admittedly at this time I was quite overweight about 290lbs at 5’9.? I had also not been in my favorite sport martial arts in 17 years. Mental Change:? This prognostic sentencing changed my outlook on life in several important ways.? 1. I do not give up and so I had to seek other wisdom, that which western medicine nor my Chiropractor as they did not know.? They had all reached the limitations of these Doctors.? 2.? I knew I had to lose weight.? 3. I knew I needed exercise to build strength. A few problems that needed working out:? The only diet that had worked for me twice before was an Atkin’s like diet.? However, this diet acted as a temporary fix for me as the food was too rich to continue to eat for too long.?? My prior martial arts were very hard style, not appropriate for my age, weight or condition.? My energy level and my healing rate seemed to me about one third of my younger self.? I did not know this was due to a neck injury I had received 17 years prior in Martial Arts.
Opportunities Appearing:? We had just started to see a few natural healers for my wife’s medical condition epilepsy, also considered intractable and they were pushing dangerous surgery.?? We had just met our Chiropractor and gotten our first x-ray.? Immediately he noticed I had a Cervical bone, C2, rotated more than 45% out of alignment with where it should be.? My Atlas was also at an angle lower than optimal.? He indicated this likely accounted for the reduced energy and healing rate I described.? Sure enough after treatment my healing rate for small things like bruises improved dramatically.? My energy rate went up as well but not as much as my healing rate.? For the Leg bone there was no immediate help. My wife had always heard me speak fondly of martial arts, so she encouraged me to begin martial arts again.? I searched extensively for a program in martial arts.? ??I didn’t have the interest for the hard mechanics I started with.?? Tai Chi seemed to be a slower moving more mindful martial art that fit my interest.? The school I found mixed in Kung Fu and Ju Jitsu.? As it turns out this was the perfect combination to get the bones starting their healing.? My Master had torn every ligament in one knee when he was younger.? Doctors told him he wouldn’t walk normal or practice again.? His solution was to practice more, and to make sure the injured leg was impacting a kicking target over and over.? He practices today with no sign that he ever had a leg ligament and tendon issue.? I tried some of his techniques for improvement. I started practicing the slow deep stance Tai Chi and kicking the bag with the injured leg. As Doctors we learn about Wolf’s Law in Anatomy and Physiology I, bone stress is a trigger that activates osteoblasts and deactivates osteoclasts.? Interesting question,” So why didn’t the Western Doctors use this knowledge, each and every one of them were trained in?”
I was introduced to oils through another natural healer.? She practiced detoxification and stress management with essential oils.? I thought this was hokey, but I did start to follow up. ?As my work required me to visit India, ??I decided to visit the state of Kerala and learn of Ayurvedic Medicine.?? Sure enough it was all about oils.? These oils carried powerful ingredients.? You would specify your condition and the Ayurvedic practitioner would give you oils to apply.? I tried what they gave me.? However, I am not satisfied with mystery.? I begin to research to see if there were any oils, plants or substances that could heal bones.? I ?started ?to use a few oils on my leg.
Camphor https://zeenews.india.com/news/health/tips/camphor-this-is-how-you-can-use-its-medicinal-benefits-to-the-fullest_1814892.html CBD Oil https://thoughtcloud.net/cbd-for-osteoporosis-weak-bone/ Dit Da Jow:? Used to bring blood to a location to accelerate healing in a specific location.
Other Essential Oils that can be used https://essentialoilbenefits.com/best-essential-oils-for-healing-broken-bones/
I learned from Biology 1 – small and hydrophobic substances diffuse into our body.?? All of these oily substances use this method to convey their phytochemical goodies.
I learned some options regarding Atkin’s diet.? Learned about the Mediterranean and South Beach diets both somewhat similar.?? I cleaned up and converted Atkins to just better natural foods.? Replaced the heavy fats with avocado, olive oil and coconut oil, and added large quantities of carb free vegetables. I started taking supplements so that my blood would carry the building blocks for bone repair.? C,D,K, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc.
18 Months Later:
My result is nothing short of a mini-miracle.? I believe that the various actions I took all had some synergy with each other and this is why I recovered so well.? I have absolutely no remaining signs of stress fractures.? No need for brace or support of any kind.??? I lost weight and converted a lot of mass to muscle, loosing 80lbs of fat and gaining 20lbs of muscle according to an Omron body fat % analyzer.?
To be a mini-miracle then we need it to be positive, remarkable, highly unlikely to resolve without divine assistance / innate intelligence, a prognosis of intractable or incurable.? My results were positive and remarkable.? Since three doctors opinions including specialists agreed with the poor intractable prognosis, and supposedly a limitation of matter, healing was highly unlike to resolve without divine assistance.? Innate intelligence which was always there and seeking to assert healing had to have occurred.? It occurred because blockages to it’s force were removed, and allies to its cause were recruited.? Not a miracle just something that took change of mind set, persistence, tenacity and ultimately treatments that affected cause and removed barriers to the innate.
?Future mini-miracle content
I witnessed quite a few of these Min-Miracles before and during my Chiropractic education.? Upon starting my new career, I started to experience them, and they started happening much more frequently than I expected.? I have tried to document each and every one of them; In a future article I ?will share some good examples of them with you.