With or without you...
If you don't know me personally you won't know of the importance music plays in my life. Especially from bands like U2, Led Zeppelin, Metallica, and Pearl Jam -just to name a few.
So what may you ask does music have to do with my current role, specifically this title, moreover this article?
Well I'm glad you asked, because "with or without you" the consumer will purchase the vehicle of their choice.
So what can I suggest - so that it's with you - and not without you? Quite simple, it's elementary my dear Watson.
"Attention to detail" coupled with a genuine concern for the customer's "best interest." Whether it's a concern for exceeding miles, concern for being out of warranty, or concern for getting your customer the best deal possible?
These two factors will play an exponential role in increasing your sales, retention, and customer satisfaction. Along with increasing profit from repeat and loyal customers.
The caveat - is that a genuine concern - cannot be fostered without attention to detail. All too often we are laser focused on terms, such as payment, and length of purchase, that we don't see what can be right in front us.
For example is the new payment higher than their current payment? This is almost always a deal breaker - right?
Unless you pay close attention to detail. Did you look at the customer's annual driving pattern? Have they exceeded their miles, or are they tracking to exceed them?
Paying attention to the details will create opportunities to sell more units, and more importantly; will increase retention and customer satisfaction as I mentioned earlier.
Last but not least, how do you pay attention to detail?
Simple, automotiveMastermind has done all the hard work for you. Our technology will "load your lips" with details so you may find commonality with your prospect. Showing them you have their best interest in mind.
Message me for details, regardless of location. And I will connect you with the right Mastermind.
And your attention to detail, will most definitely materialize - in to more sales and increased retention.
The choice is yours, with or with out you...
Carpe Diem!