Without a network - we're nothing!

My Christmas Message

Businesses can so easily get caught up on securing new business that they forget to build a strong and supportive network. 

From my early working years I soon discovered the importance of having a network; I was fortunate, I had a network that had formed around me without me knowing - I had created strong and meaningful relationships and when I was in need this network came to my help. In the most surprising and wonderful way - I ended up working at Radio One (that had only ever been a dream), and then I scored an opportunity with one of the leading Tech PR firms.

However, the first start-up I worked on, I over-sold - it took years to build a true network, because although I had 100s of business cards - none of them I had taken the time to get to know. I took for advantage that these flimsy pieces of card were my key to my success - that these cards would bring in the money.

When I led a marketing department I truly realised the value of a network; to gain introductions, build partnerships and find new solutions together - it saved time, shared resources and through the collaborative effort we made a bigger impact - the audience wanted to listen - we were a package which allowed us to profit from one another, honestly and openly. And so in the last 10 years what remains important to me and my business is creating a network of collaborators, like-minded people who can share ideas, and recognise the value that each person brings to the table. 

In little over three months, I have been overwhelmed by the openness and honesty of the people I have met - my old associates have really embraced my return, and new associates have been warm and receptive. Yet - Yes - new business is important to me, how else can I keep a roof over my head and food on the table.

But - without a network I won't develop new ideas, find new avenues and opportunities to build the businesses that I work with, and most of all - I won't have the support I may need in the difficult times.

A network is more than just contacts, you all become my cheerleaders, my ears, and my test platforms to trial new concepts and ideas.

For a company - a strong network offers the credibility and authenticity needed to grow sustainably within the industry to make a real impact.

As we come to one of my favourite times of the year - I wish you all a very Merry Christmas - I hope you take the time to spend it with your loved ones - your most important network!

Have a great holiday !


