Fifth Sunday in Easter(B) HOMILY

Rev. R. Christoph Sandoval, Deacon

Metropolitan Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Assumption

A branch cannot bear fruit on its own

unless it remains on the vine,

so neither can you unless you remain in me.

I am the vine, you are the branches.

Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit,

because without me you can do nothing.

Thomas J. Olmsted, Bishop of Phoenix, wrote in his landmark Apostolic Exhortation to Catholic Men entitled Into the Breach, “The world is under attack by Satan, as our Lord said it would be. This spiritual battle is occurring in the Church herself, and the devastation is all too evident.” The evidence is staggering. Since the year 2000 nationwide 14 million Catholics have left the faith, parish religious education of children has dropped by 24%, Catholic school attendance has dropped by 19%, infant baptism has dropped by 28%, adult baptism has dropped by 31%, and sacramental Catholic marriages have dropped by 41%. This battle is often hidden from our sensory awareness but the battle is real. It is first and foremost Spiritual which is progressively exterminating the lingering remnant of Christian ethos in our society and and in our culture, even contaminating our own homes with the contagion of error and corrupting influence. This is a serious breach, a gaping hole in battlefronts of our New Evangelization, which is focused on 're-proposing' the Gospel to renew the Church by enkindling a living relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist.

Recent research shows that large numbers of young Catholic men are leaving the faith to become "nones" - men who describe themselves as atheist, agnostic or “nothing in particular”. Fathers and Godfathers are failing to keep the promises they made at their children's Baptisms - promises to bring them to Christ and to raise them in the faith of the Church. This crisis is evident in the emasculation and silence of Catholic men. Unlike Saint Paul in our first reading who debated with the Hellenists and spoke out boldly in the name of the Lord, some men in our pews in our nation remain largely paralyzed in the face of the secular assault on Christocentric masculinity. What does it mean to be a Catholic Man?

Ecce homo are the Latin words used by Pontius Pilate to announce "behold the man" when he presented a scourged Jesus Christ, bound tightly and crowned with thorns to a hostile crowd shortly before his Crucifixion. This God made man - the Word made flesh, Jesus the Christ - who at once is fully God and fully man is the perfection of human masculinity. Only in Jesus Christ can we find the highest expression of masculine virtue and strength that we need in our personal lives in a hostile society hellbent on destroying Christianity. A Catholic man must be prepared to give himself entirely, to charge into the breach, to engage in spiritual combat, to defend women, children, and others against the wickedness and snares of the devil and wicked people who are very cunning, very calculating and very well aligned to the Powers of Darkness to promote the Culture of Death among the living and the Culture of Eternal Death among the Dying.

Looking to what the secular world holds up as "manly" is in fact to look at outright counterfeits of masculinity. “No athlete, no matter how many awards; no political leader, no matter all the power he wields; no performer, businessman or celebrity, no matter how much adored; no physical attribute of muscle mass; no intelligence or talent; no credentials or accolades or material wealth can bestow Christ centered masculinity on a man. Let us be clear we live in a culture of fatherlessness, a culture saturated with pornography and a culture of broken branches from the True Vine who is Jesus Christ and the Father who is the Vine grower.

Bishop Olmstead issued a clarion call to arms calling forth to mission his brother bishops, priests and deacons, husbands, fathers and sons, grandfathers and grandsons, widowers and young men to stand in solidarity against the global assault on Christ centered masculinity. This requires that we impart the Gospel of Jesus Christ by all means necessary, such as preaching, teaching, offering Christian witness to a faithful family life, living celibacy for the sake of God's Kingdom, employing Catholic media and Sacred arts placed at the service of the Triune God within the family place, the workplace and the community place.

Bishop Olmstead believes male Catholicism is not interior and mature enough. Men need a personal relationship with Jesus Christ that is real, authentic and deeply intimate. Perhaps the greatest battlefield is the battle within. Like Jesus in the Desert we must confront the three-fold temptations to carnal pleasure, to insatiable hunger for power and to Luciferian pride and envy that rebels against God, his commandments and his Church.

It is here at holy mass that Catholic Men receive the gifts to participate in Christ's spousal love for their wives, and their paternal, life-giving fatherhood for children, grandchildren and the fatherless among us. Collectively we need to re-ignite and operationalize our gifts of the Sacrament of Confirmation which makes all of us "Soldiers of Christ" and "strictly obligates us to spread and defend the faith by both word and deed". Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati said, "To live without faith, without a patrimony to defend, without a steady struggle for truth - that is not living, but existing." Now let us consider authentic masculine love. Christ makes clear that central to His mission is love. "Love one another as I have loved you". All of our Lord's teachings boil down to this commandment. Love is not a side-job; it is the central mission itself.

The world promotes a distorted toxic stereotype of masculinity in the image and likeness of the Anti-Christ who is blasphemous against God and actively persecutes God’s people on earth by sowing rebellion, division and hatred and ultimately promoting the Mortal Sin of an adulterous double life with immortal consequences. In the midst of the assault on Judeo-Christian civilization, the Catholic Church offers a message that is not its own, but comes from God's self-revelation in Jesus Christ over two thousand years ago, yet is ever new and renewing as it is received, celebrated, lived, and contemplated today. The Church offers to all people the possibility of encountering the living God today and finding in him lasting meaning and hope. Men who keep his commandments remain in him, and he in them, and the way we know that he remains in us is from the Holy Spirit he gave us. As Our Lord teaches: As the living Father sent me and I draw life from the Father, so he who eats my flesh will draw life from me.

A branch cannot bear fruit on its own

unless it remains on the vine,

so neither can you unless you remain in me.

I am the vine, you are the branches.

Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit,

because without me you can do nothing.

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6 个月

John 15 is one of the most powerful chapters in scripture.



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