Withhold Communication
A lot of, times we see that we have this dilemma:
To say or not to say?
To ask or not to ask
To seek help or not to seek help
To avoid accountability
What is the dilemma after all??
The dilemma is:
1) What if, if I say this they will reject my views and suggestions, I am not competent to say, that I need to think before saying it because it might cost me my job/relationship/future...?
2) If I ask they will think I am stupid, I am not qualified, mock me- oh God! He doesn't even know this much?
3) If I ask for help, I will be called as incompetent, and I will be short of my being- ie I am strong enough to handle and do things on my own. My image of being a smart guy will shatter.
4) If I share too much, I will have to keep doing it for life and I will have to be accountable
5) I don't have any right or authority, how can I say something?
And all this leads to what?
You withhold your communication and say to the world this!!!
1) Forget it, I can do it by myself
2) I don't need you/it(help)
3) I can't bear the stress of having someone else competing with me or putting their nose in my work
And to others, you sound like this.
1) Why will he take my suggestions and views
2) I am not valued
3) I am not important?
4) I am not loved
5) I was never existing
Just a small thought about withheld communication can do so much disaster to you in ways you would have never imagined.
Isn't it a progressive idea to step up and have clear communication without fearing being judged and rejected, hampering those few important areas and people relationships?
However, it's much easier to say than do.
But a small step may give us access... May be!!