Witches, witches everywhere

Several years ago, while walking closely with Father and living across the Thames River from Woolwich in London, UK, an area with intense Satanist and Witch presence, Father taught me about the reality of witches in modern society. This article outlines what I have come to understand the reality to be.

We regularly saw men and women on the buses, trains and in the shops with sometimes extreme levels of tattoo’s, piercings, strange hair styles and strange clothes and Father would tell me what level they were. Some of the most senior Satanists and Witches on the planet live in that area and I was shown amongst others the Head Satanist of the World in a Tesco supermarket, an unremarkable short man with strange tattoo’s and other markings but nothing particularly remarkable other than that Father said that he had considerable supernatural powers and was largely controlled by demons (Illuminated).

We also travelled elsewhere and were shown Witches and other Satan Servants in perfectly respectable restaurants and shops, etc. In fact, I was shown that in our society Witches and Satanists are everywhere with there being far more female Witches than male Satanists. The ratio is around seven times as many women serving Satan as men. Just as there are about seven times as many women serving Father Yah than men.

A few examples:

? Man and woman in an upmarket restaurant, woman with some markings eating a meal of potato chips with nothing else. Father said to me that she was a senior nursing sister in an abortion clinic, had eaten a surfeit of human flesh that day and could not face further meat. He also said she was hoping to offer her male date as a human sacrifice that night.

In the context of the latter point it is important to be aware that human sacrifice is MUCH more common than we would think. People living or traveling alone with no one interested in their wellbeing can quite easily disappear without trace and there is a network of police officers, hospital staff and undertakers who for participation in the spoils of the sacrifice, that is eating human flesh and drinking human blood, will cover the tracks with death certificates reading “heart attack”, “run over by a car” and similar concealment of the crime. Senior Witches are required by Satan to kill humans and to eat human flesh and drink human blood in order to make themselves abhorrent to the Almighty Creator. This gives them power with the Demonic and Satanic realm where the Demons and Satanic Messengers {Angels} accord greater status and greater obedience to those who have perpetrated the more abominable acts.

? Woman with three men at an upmarket restaurant, all with strange markings and dress style – Father said that after the meal they would engage in a group orgy because the multiple one-flesh bonds that would result would make them all more powerful. She was a senior witch and they were all senior Satanists. This sort of practice is routine amongst these people.

? etc

My point is that these situations are much more common than most people would expect. Certainly much more common than I believed up to the point where I was shown these things.

Following is a broad discussion of the key elements of Witchcraft and Witches:

1.     Witchcraft is manipulation and control using the Demonic and Satanic Realm

In its simplest form Witchcraft is simply the use of words to command Demons and Satanic Messengers {Angels} to perform the will of the Witch. More senior Witches use rites, spells, artefacts, etc to support their deeds.

In its simplest form “take care” is a curse that is in widespread use in our society that commands “care”, that is worry and concern, to come upon the target. This may come to nothing because the person speaking the curse does not have the spiritual authority for the curse to come into effect but the principle remains, this is a curse. All sorts of other language that many people take for granted and use casually such as “f**k off”, “go to Hell”, etc fall into this category.

As a Witch becomes more senior they will progress to much more sophisticated, more powerful and more effective cursing and commanding of Demons and Messengers such that they start to cause things to happen in progressively more powerful and dramatic ways. This stretches through to things like Astral Projection (the spirit leaving the body and moving through space), etc.

2.     A Witch is simply a person serving Satan

In Western Society we grow up generally with a picture of Witches being grossly ugly with pointed hats, riding on broomsticks with black cats. On the one hand at the more senior levels there is a modicum of truth in this but at a more day to day level a Witch is any person, mostly female, who is serving Satan. There are a huge number of people in this category in our society today and, when they die, most of the “good” people in our societies will end up in the “Kingdom of the White Witches” in the Satanic and Demonic after life.  See the article “Where are YOU Going” at https://end-time-issueministries.org/WhereareYOUgoing.aspx.html

3.     Level 1 and 2 Witches are nice ordinary people

I have been given a seven level characterization of Witches to help me understand the Witchcraft realm. This is NOT a series of ranks as used in the Witch community, it is NOT desirable for a believer to have any knowledge of the finer details of Witchcraft and certainly NOT to publish these. There ARE believers who are in the thick of the battle and who are taking out Witches who DO know more detail for use in the battle that they are waging. That is NOT my calling. I have engaged with a number of such believers over the years.

On this seven-point scale level 1 and 2 Witches are generally nice, ordinary people. They are NOT consciously serving Satan but they ARE consciously NOT serving Father. They would certainly deny being Witches and their Witchcraft will only take the form of common practices that over the years have been taken into our society as routine expressions and behaviour, like simple cursing, Mistletoe for kissing at Christmas, Christmas Trees, gifts under Christmas Trees, use of the wrong names, etc.

4.     Level 3 and 4 Witches start to reveal their allegiance

Level 3 and 4 Witches start to reveal their allegiance through the way they dress (Goth, etc), their make-up, their hairstyle (strange colours, strange cuts, partial shaves, Mohican, etc), their tattoo’s and their piercings.

“But those are meaningless insignificant things, that is NOT Witchcraft” I hear you say.

Well, in a sense that is true. The problem is that in the Satanic and Demonic realm, these things have meaning. Further, the people who apply these devices are most frequently Satan servants and the sources of information that stimulate people to go with these devices are always Satanic or Demonic.

It is vital to be aware that there are around 100 billion Demons or Ancestor Spirits on Earth – the spirits of Human Beings who died in unbelief – that is more than ten for every human being on the planet and they are NOT uniformly distributed.

All of these Demons are available to Satan Servants and the Satanic and Demonic Realm generally to give effect to the Satanic agenda.

So, when a person looks at another person with a strange hairstyle and expresses interest in some way, there will be a Satanic Messenger watching over them that takes that interest as a legal right to transfer a Demon onto the person showing interest. That demon will then take advantage of its newfound legal right to plant thoughts in the mind of the assignee with regard to also adopting that form of dress, hairstyle, tattoo, etc. Every time they express interest, or discuss it, or joke about it more demons will come and the desire to try it will become greater.

Assuming that they then decide to give it a try, after all, “its fun, it cannot hurt” they will generally go to a practitioner who specialises in that item. Nearly always that practitioner will be more heavily demonised than the assignee and will carry heavier demons. As they make body contact with the assignee transfer of demons will take place. This may be in an uncontrolled manner by the actions of the Satanic Messengers who watch over the two people involved or, where the person delivering the item is a fairly senior Satanist or Witch, they may actively speak out curses, assignments, etc over the assignee as they serve them. Thus with the item of clothing, haircut, tattoo or piercing comes a further demon, etc.

Where the item involves exchange of body matter, as in the case of cutting of hair that hair can be used in spells, etc after the assignee has left in order to reinforce the attachment that they are experiencing.

In the case of tattoo’s there is a shedding of blood with every prick which allows a knowledgeable practitioner to enter into a blood covenant with the assignee and to transfer demons. This is even more pronounced with piercings. This happens without the knowledge or consent of the assignee, just agreeing to the tattoo or piercing is all the legal right that is required.

Thus, we see a situation where a na?ve, innocent and trusting person, frequently in their teens, starts to take on curses and demons without their knowledge. These demons will progressively lead them into deeper and deeper Witchcraft or Satanism or both.

By the time they reach level 3 they will be consciously thinking and speaking things that have a strong Witchcraft element. They may not yet think of themselves as Witches but they will have some awareness of it and will therefore be amenable to stimulation to seek more knowledge, connections, etc so that they move to the next level at which they start to drink blood, commit sacrifices of animals, like the family dog or cat and start to behave more overtly in a way that non-Witches will find disturbing.

Problem is that by the time they reach that level, UNLESS they receive ministry from an anointed servant of Yah who understands what is going on, has the knowledge to teach them the truth and the authority to get rid of the demons, that person is trapped with little hope of escape. That said, at this level some will simply get comfortable and remain but others will progress further and start to reach in to the power levels. This depends in large measure on the curses, etc that are operating, the demons in place, the number of Satan servants and Witches in the environment, etc to determine whether a particular person progresses or remains at that level. There is a degree of mentoring, evangelism and teaching that is required for people to progress, although it is possible to progress simply through the leading of Demons and Messengers if the right prayers are prayed.

People at this level will generally regularly be engaging in promiscuous and group sex, building multiple one-flesh sexual bonds with numerous people because they have discovered that this gives them power and a spiritual high.

5.     Level 5 and 6 Witches are actively seeking to serve Satan

By the time a Witch reaches level 5 they know they are into Witchcraft, they are actively seeking power and they will generally progress steadily, again, with the caveat that different people will demonstrate different levels of zeal. At this level they are drinking human blood and eating human flesh and the more advanced level 6 Witches will be starting to commit murder, whether by aborting their own foetuses and eating them or getting work in an abortion clinic so that they have ready access to a place where they can perpetrate murder and gain the demonic power that comes with it or finding other avenues or some other way.

Sexual promiscuity is rampant.

They will also be inviting demons to occupy them / possess them / Illuminate them. Illumination, as in “The Illuminati”, is a counterfeit of the infilling of the Spirit of the Almighty in a Believer where demons occupy the space in the Human Spirit that is intended for the Spirit of the Almighty. These demons then can speak directly to the spirit and mind of the host thereby giving the host the benefit of all the knowledge and experience of the Demon spirits that are being hosted and a range of powers that goes with this.

People who reach this level become dependent on their Illumination and will become increasingly aggressive in maintaining and growing it.

6.     There are not many level 7 Witches

Level 7 Witches are the human beings that act on behalf of the Demonic Masterminds, see https://end-time-issueministries.org/DemonicMastermindsDirect.aspx.html

These Witches control countries and other constituencies and are in deep and active service of Satan and the Satanic and Demonic Realm.  They are very powerful and regularly engage in human sacrifice – these are the people who most directly do the will of Satan on Earth today.

7.     Witches really ARE everywhere

So, it really IS so that there are “Witches, Witches everywhere”.

At one level this is NOT cause for concern if you are a committed believer and your life is right with the Almighty and your children are all serving the Almighty wholeheartedly, BUT, given that this is seldom happening there IS MAJOR cause for concern.

On a broader front the movement into Witchcraft in Western / European and other societies is gathering momentum and IS cause for real concern. I have no exposure to what is going on in Islam and Judaism but I suspect it is probably just as bad but with a slightly different flavour. I would value any feedback on this.

The fundamental answer to responding to all this is to seek a DEEP PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with the Almighty, see


See also:

     https://end-time-issueministries.org/Home/7ComponentsinGrowingClosetoYah.aspx.html for detailed guidance on drawing close to Father, by extension these measures will get you away from Satan although someone who is deeply embedded in Witchcraft and / or Satanism will probably require assistance from an anointed servant if they can find one.

May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace as you embark on this journey

May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish

Warm regards and blessings,

James Robertson

Emissary and Spokesman of Yah

23 October 2016

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