Witch Policy Is Right For You ?

Witch Policy Is Right For You ?

Are you an attorney?  If not, no matter how well educated you are, you may feel more than a little bit intimidated by the prospect of reading and understanding an insurance policy, because they are all legal contracts written by lawyers for the benefit of insurance companies, not for you.   Before you think I'm attacking insurers, please understand, I'm not.  My job as an independent agent and broker is to work with and for "you", my clients as an intermediary with the many different insurers we represent. 

At some point in the future, I can see the probability that  AI will reach a level of quality that allows machines to interact with customers so efficiently and effectively that insurance agents and brokers will no longer be needed.  When that day comes, it will look like buying a hamburger, except that if you leave out the extras while ordering, you won't be able to continue without signing off that you understand what you've just decided to leave out.  That way, if a claim is made and it's not covered due to your choices, there will be no dispute about it.  I see that cutting out my business, as well as reducing litigation, but no one knows how far off into the future that day is.  For now, most online systems are very weak, they take longer than they promise, and they are typically not set up to protect the consumer.  They are just aimed at automating the sales process.  The goal is to get more market share, faster, and cut insurer expenses.  Providing the consumer with the best possible advise is NOT the goal. 

So which policy is right for you?  It's no fun shopping for insurance, but that's exactly what the CA Dept. of Insurance has always suggested as the consumer's best method to answer that question.   And when it comes to shopping for a product that you don't understand very well, and aren't very excited about having to even deal with, that's where the V E R R E O S  Insurance Agency earns it's keep.  It's out job to ask you what you want to protect, to translate the insurance talk into English you can understand, and then to go find you the best deal we can; taking into consideration both Quality of coverage, and Pricing.   Value is getting the best coverage for the dollars you spend.  Satisfaction comes from knowing that you are well covered for those risks you want insured, and knowing that IF you ever need help, your agent is not going to just turn you over to the claims department, and forget about you!  We don't do that.  With us, you are our Client, not just some name,  number, or statistic. 

One of the biggest mistakes a majority of consumers make is not spending the time to look into alternatives available to them.  They have been educated by countless advertisements that policies are mostly the same, and the lowest price is the best deal.  Clearly if that were true, there would not be hundreds of insurance companies you've never even heard of, and all of the big name advertisers would not have thousands of angry complaints filed against them each year by disappointed policyholders.  

We recently had a potential client referred to us for a Homeowners policy, and after receiving our proposal, the person checked online complaints against the insurer, and told us they were uncomfortable with what they read there.  I thanked the person for telling me that, and assured them that we would not recommend them to any insurer who is not worthy, as our own reputation is tied to the actions of our insurers paying claims.  My review of those online complaints revealed some interesting common threads: 1) many people buy the wrong coverage, then a very angry when they find their claims denied,  2) many people have very unrealistic service expectations, and 3) a small number of people are just flat out unreasonable.  Now when, or if any insurer of our clients makes a mistake handling their claims, we advise our insureds how to handle it in order to achieve a positive outcome.  Of course you won't know if your agent is as good as VIA, until or unless you become one of the few who suffer a very major loss.  Many people never have a claim, so they can be very happy with their inferior policies and service they have never needed to use.

VIA is here for you, and we deliver!





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