Wishing you a good night, mindfully
How to bring mindfulness from the meditation cushion to your mattress
in conversation with Tzivia Gover, MFA, CDP
Q: You talk about mindfulness and sleep. But let’s start with the basics. Why are so many people not sleeping well these days? And why is it so important?
A: As a culture, we are waking up to the fact that we value busy-ness over rest, and at the same time science is confirming the dangers to our physical health—everything from depression to diabetes, heart issues to Alzheimer’s disease—that increase significantly if we don’t get enough sleep.
But when we compromise on sleep, we lose something else too: We miss out on the experience of coziness and comfort that come with a good night’s sleep, and we also lose out on the riches of our dreams. I want to help people fall back in love with the whole cycle of sleep, dreams, and waking up—to help them become more conscious of the benefits and rewards of honoring and valuing the third of our lives that has been neglected for much too long.
Q: What is A Mindful Way to getting a good night’s sleep?
A: It might seem like a contradiction, but I want people to be more awake to the process of sleep and dreams. We can take an active role in having a better experience of sleep and dreams by using breathing techniques, mindfulness meditation in the evening–or even in bed, as well as dreamwork and journaling to help us have a healthier experience of sleep and dream
Q: Will taking a mindful approach to sleep and dreams cure my insomnia?
A: Studies have shown that the quick fixes we use to solve our sleeplessness—such as medications and sleep aids—have very limited effectiveness. But changing behaviors and creating better bedtime routines, is actually a proven effective way to sleep better. I’m interested in the quality of our relationship with sleep and dreams, more than the number of hours we log on the pillow each night.
Q: You mention dreamwork. Are dreams really that important?
A: Dreams are a natural and healthy by-product of sleep, but we tend to write them off as bizarre, mysterious, or meaningless. And that’s a shame because dreams have so much to offer us in terms of deep wisdom, inner guidance, and physical and emotional healing.
? Copyright 2019 Tzivia Gover. Share with permission and proper credit only.
The Mindful Approach to a Good Night’s Sleep by Tzivia Gover is chock full of information and exercises to support you in sleeping and dreaming better. Order yours now and give yourself the gift of a good night of sleep & dreams! For more information visit TziviaGover.com.
#Q&A #Mindfulness #Sleep #Dreams