Wishes No More

Wishes No More

Last week, I took a kind of "break" and shared on love and my reading of The Realm Between thus far. Since then, and in approaching my own birthday this past Thursday, I have been reflecting and sharing on...

All of this is to say that it is time to return to the book, and a sharpened focus on what I do, almost in response to what I am reading. I am finding this book magical and meaningful in terms of further igniting a clarity in my own realm here, and now. The story had metaphor of meaning for me, and is causing me both to remember and imagine who I am at a more real and fundamental level, dare I say. And, I do dare.


Before going further and on, let us set things up again. As I have noted so many times before...

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  • "As part of this leg of my Sharpen the Blades blog series, I continue my reading of The Realm Between... and its application to life ... The story is capturing me and I am finding direct relevance and resonance for my own life, in this realm."

I do indeed continue to invite you to join me on the journey. Catch up, read up... on the book and blogs, if you like. LD Olsen is writing quite the story.

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Yes, I invite you to join me on this read and reflect. To join the Wattpad community costs nothing, and you gain access to the book, and many others. In order to join, go to their login... and set up a simple profile.

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  • This will give you access to countless online books; it is incredible. To engage LD Olsen search for...

CHAPTER 26 - Wistful Wishes

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This Chapter is a bit of a roller coaster for me, filled with both joy and dread and all in between. But one piece early on stands out for me, in particular, this day... and heading into my year of sixty.


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How often do we fear to dare? How often do we put on those "be real" glasses, assuming that "real" is so easily defined by what we simply"see".

Our Souls are real, but we cannot see them. Love is real, but we cannot see it. Indeed, virtue is real, in its myriad forms... but we cannot see it or them. The real and what we accept as such must indeed be questioned. The material aspects of my body have but, for the most part, a shelf life I gather. While science shows that those shelf lives vary, we still have material shelf lives. Cells change. Molecules and atoms. But we remain. What is real? Such is the question of The Matrix certainly. What is certain, for that which we can reach?

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Soul. Love. Virtue. We can see manifestations of same, but we cannot see the essence. It makes them no less real. What if our deepest wishes were but same? What if our most Soulful desires were same? I am not implying that by "wishing it so"... somehow makes it so. But by Picard's own words, we can indeed make it so. Making requires work... but work with a sense of mission. That inspired my "wall". To build something requires work. It also requires believing in that which we are building. Before it is built, it has no "reality". Once it is built, we say it does. If the dream and passion and purpose is true, it is real in both states.

I am considering this, this very morn. I am considering that which my heart truly and deeply and honestly desires. For a period, I almost got to a point where I was seeking some sense of "permission" for my deepest dreams. That was not always the case. Certainly, to an outside world, it might not even seem such now. To many, they might not see me seeking such "permission"; but I have sought it ... consciously and unconsciously... and that is something new in the last 20 years. No more. It has been part of my reality these last 20 years; a subtle seeking of "permission". I have no idea from there that was born, but it is now being extricated. No more wishes. Wishes, no more.

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I know what I want... to be and do. I know who and what I want in my life. I can feel it even now, and that is something of a pure prayer. One of feeling, Soulful.

And, Shoghi Effendi spoke to this notion. He essentially asserted 5 steps.

  • First Step – Pray and meditate about it. Use the prayers of the Manifestations as they have the greatest power. Then remain in the silence of contemplation for a few minutes.
  • Second Step – Arrive at a decision and hold this. This decision is usually born during the contemplation. It may seem almost impossible of accomplishment but if it seems to be as answer to a prayer or a way of solving the problem, then immediately take the next step.
  • Third Step – Have determination to carry the decision through. Many fail here. The decision, budding into determination, is blighted and instead becomes a wish or a vague longing. When determination is born, immediately take the next step.
  • Fourth Step – Have faith and confidence that the power will flow through you, the right way will appear, the door will open, the right thought, the right message, the right principle or the right book will be given you. Have confidence, and the right thing will come to your need. Then, as you rise from prayer, take at once the fifth step.
  • Fifth Step – Then, he said, lastly, ACT; Act as though it had all been answered. Then act with tireless, ceaseless energy. And as you act, you, yourself, will become a magnet, which will attract more power to your being, until you become an unobstructed channel for the Divine power to flow through you.
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And, with all that in heart and mind, I am considering how I dare myself, fully and fiercely to "make it so".

Moving beyond the whispers and fear of believing, to a sense of knowing.

Manifest destiny.

Manifesting our own. It depends on our own sense of locus on control. For most of my life, I had an internal perspective. For the last 20 years, that changed a little.

No more. Wishes, no more.

How good do I want it, indeed

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How good do you truly, madly, deeply want it?

Therein, lies the coolest mayhem, and the fire.

Therein, lives being alive and living brilliant.

Therein, lies my hope and work and living for the high road.

This year, marks a return for me. It will require my ownership of what I hold dear.

It will require the work.

It will require fierce and joyful work.

It will require Dominion, Candor and Wholeheartedness.

But, I am back. I never went away. I just hid a little behind "permission".

Where do you need to come out from hiding to make your deepest wishes real?

Own it.

Peace, passion and prosperity...

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Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy with Epic Engage


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AAAAAAAAND thoughts on character and leadership...

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Published by

Status is online

Barry Lewis Green

The Unity Guy @ EpicEngage: Speaker, Educator and Coach on Character Leadership in Business, Education, and Community

Published ? 21h

921 articles

thoughts on

#discernment #decisiveness and #devotion ... for #focus and #life ... #character #leadership




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