Wishcrafting Love... saying no to fear...
Hannelie Venucia The Time of our Lives - The Next Level - Make Rain
Prosperity Orchestrator, Rainmaker, Sensemaker, Senseshifter, Wor(l)dPainter, Future Whisperer, Author, Speaker, Podcaster, Guide, JoyCatalyst, Creative Strategist,Visionary, Serial Creator
Once upon a time - after the time of humans communicating via signals, sign language, bodily expressions, smoke signals, and rock art, and long before fake, misleading, and half-informed news, and algorithms manipulating and controlling what we see in our virtual world - news was shared in a fun, interactive, entertaining, uplifting, and stimulating way.
‘Minstrels, true joy makers, traveled from village to village, and shared what was happening in other worlds and towns. It was a huge celebration and the most joyous time. The people loved these colourful, playful, uplifting, light-hearted, joyful, witty, and loving characters, and were sad when they departed. A universal language of the imagination, curiosity, inspiration, enchantment, play, fantasy, wonder, awe, mystery, laughter, creativity, and joy abounded.’*
Here at the beginning of the year 2021, a different type of Minstrel, a Love Influencer, has showed up. One that is part of a global Love Wave that gently, creatively, and spontaneously emerged in the days before humanity celebrates Love on Valentines Day. Love, clearly quite important and valued, got its own day, to remind all humans of Love and the wondrous feelings of being loved, cherished, appreciated, and the wonder and joy to love others, life, our planet, and all living creatures and organisms. Yet before we share more about these magical Love Minstrels and Love Influencers, it is good to take a moment to look at Love from different angles, and why it is so significant here in the 21st century.
The language of Love is a Universal one and knows no boundaries or borders. And it sneaks up on us when we least expect it. Yet, Love is not limited only to Romantic Love, and has infinite expressions, forms, applications, and ways that impact all the aspects of our lives and our ability to thrive. Love elevates us, and to reminds us of the beauty and power of Life itself.
Now imagine, we approach life like we approach, enjoy, and embrace a romance. ‘Remember the feeling of young love? The attraction, the unexplainable sense of connection, and the chemistry? All your cells becoming alive, as if they have all been hit by a Love Tsunami and by Cupid’s arrow themselves? Jubilation and exhilaration both an understatement. You can’t wait to see her or him again and to spend quality and fun time together. It is not something you can predict or control. You simply jump into this delicious river of the unknown and delight, with a constant flood of sensations rushing through your veins and lustrous feelings bursting forth from your heart. You are no longer the same person. These mysterious encounters and the unsaid fearlessness to experience more, have transformed you into a gutsy, wild, passionate, and almost reckless being. You give it your all. There is no holding back. You know there is more to discover and experience. And you silently say YES to Life and this riveting new experience! There are no guarantees, no gurus, and no experts to guide you. It is totally up to you to have an authentic experience. None of the 8 billion other humans can experience and perceive the same. It is unique. It is real. It is powerful. Moreover, it is undeniable and unstoppable.
Now engage your sensory and mental imagination, imagine this is how we all now approach this new dance with life – approaching the uncertainty, the innuendos, the unexpected, the nuances, the disruption, the perceived chaos, the new like we do with a romance - here in 2021? I wonder what will happen next. Showing up fully AND fearlessly taking each next step? With an inner, quiet knowing that all is possible, that we are held by and immersed in a Wave of Love? Something we cannot see, yet we feel, experience, express, and get to know intimately on many different levels. A delightful date with destiny? Not a romance born from fear, but one ignited from curiosity, connection, chemistry, mystery, possibility, and delight? (Is a romance even possible when birthed from fear? I doubt it.)’**
If Love then is so magnetic and powerful, filled with such tenderness, chemistry and delight, being such an attraction wave, why is it that we so easily give into and get trapped by fear? Why not ride this delicious, adventurous, wild, and magical Love Wave? What is holding us back? It does not even make sense, as it is impossible to even compare Love with fear, the one elevates and the other drowns us. The one demonstrates all is possible, and the other tells us no, it is impossible!
Fear keeps us in a closed loop system of focusing our attention on what is or can go wrong.
Love is powerful and empowers us to be feel and build on what is strong.
Fear keeps us hostage in what we think and believe we do or will not have and lack.
Love is ingenious, creative, and applies what is already with us and what we have access to, so we stay in flow and on track.
Fear keeps us from thriving, making us believe that we are not good enough and that life is tough and unfair.
Love is constantly reminding us of our true nature, which is powerful, abundant, full of possibility, resourceful, and always willing to explore, dare, and care!
Fear keeps us from trusting Life with all sorts of stories that we must struggle and suffer, as there will not be enough for all.
Love is an unlimited source and flows through our veins and cells, whether we are young, old, small, or tall.
Fear keeps us stuck and uses stress, worries, uncertainty, anxiety, overwhelm, hatred, anger, suspicion, cynicism, distrust, dissonance, disappointment, desperation, intolerance, impatience, isolation, limitations, irritations, and frustrations to drain our energy and hold us captive.
Love is understanding, caring, kind, appreciative, empathic, compassionate, strong, versatile, vivacious, peaceful, unstoppable, indestructible, flowing, joyous, playful, trusting, confident, flexible, patient, life-affirming, life-generating, rejuvenating, regenerative, free, agile, luscious, and adaptive.
Do you notice the modus operandi? The big difference between 'keeps' and 'is'? What is, is already in existence. Keeping us from, is holding us back from what is already in existence, our is-ness, of being human!
So why is it so hard to choose Love and not fear, as a more enjoyable and life-giving choice is quite clear? And why is fear so prevalent at present, as another possibility is available and much more pleasant?
No need to feel ashamed and guilty, or to judge and blame. A blast into the past may reveal and shed some light on this behavior and deep-seated trend. Humanity was in a state of shock, despair, and hopelessness after the world wars, drought, financial recessions, and great depression in the 20th century. To trust under such circumstances is not easy. And humanity was fearful that such atrocities and eventualities can happen again, that there will not be enough, and that we needed to defend and protect ourselves, loved ones, and our belongings. The world had to be rebuilt.
Due to this collective fear, which is understandable, many industries arose, building empires on this fear of not having enough, thus accumulating, even knowledge, being unsafe, and of death, such as the property-, insurance-, health-, security-, and knowledge industries. Fear was weaponized ( perhaps not even intentionally) and physically ingrained through our exposure to it in this way during the latter part of the 20th century. Fear fed not having enough in ways that are detrimental to the well-being of all humans, our beautiful planet, and all living creatures, and organisms, playing out through abuse of power, greed, consumerism, hoarding, instant gratification, scarcity, unhealthy competition, victimhood, inequality, poverty, unemployment, prejudice, discrimination, and the likes.
Yet, all are not lost. We likewise have to acknowledge the rise of the Love movement in the 1960’s that assisted us to embrace our perceived differences, and the boom in technological-, scientific-, and health restorative- discoveries during the 20th century. Humanity was extremely creative, with more innovations and inventions in 100 years, than all together in almost 2000 years before that (what we are aware of). That is plausible and should be acknowledged, embraced, and celebrated.
Coming back to the 21st century, does fear have a home and place? Is it still relevant, as humans clearly have an innate ability to rebuild, to regenerate, to rejuvenate, to realign, to regroup, to grow, to transform, to flourish, to recreate, and to start over again? And consider that at the turn of the century humanity’ self-awareness and perception expanded. Our self-knowledge increases daily, as information and knowledge became easily accessible.
We discover that our biggest gift is Life itself and that we contribute to and impact each other and our beautiful planet. We realize there is more than enough for everyone when we take a look at ourselves. There is something forever present within us, our life-force - our hearts beating and pumping blood through our veins and to our brains, our breath, our ability to move, think, feel, relate, sense, experience, explore, enjoy, celebrate, create, make, share, innovate, and exchange - our 37 senses and sensibilities, awareness, energy, vitality, sensitivities, inner and outer sensitivities, sense of connection, at least 42 inborn intelligences and 9 super powers, our esteemed intelligences, diverse skill-sets, wisdom, perception, receptivity, knowledge, resourcefulness, creative power, and much more. It is impossible to list our innate genius and incredibilities. More than enough, won’t you agree?
So how can we rise above the fear and break all bonds with it? Some believes it takes tremendous effort, attention, and courage, which many perceive as something of inhumane strength, thus a kind of superpower. Something that is hard, inconceivable, and unlikely, especially when we feel isolated, restricted, vulnerable and fragile. Yet, the word courage has a super-gift hiding inside. Courage has its origin in the Latin root ‘cor’, which means ‘action from the heart’. And that is super smart!
Action from the heart is very different from action from the calculating mind. Fear is a mental construct and thrives when the calculating mind goes on overdrive. It seeds and feeds more fear. It is not the same as danger, which is a real threat when our wellbeing can be harmed. Acting from the heart, we open ourselves to life-affirming, life-giving, life-generating, and life-sustaining possibilities. To open up to such possibilities we can simply ask, ‘What else is possible?’ In this way we access our intuitive and creative mind and breaks the spell of fear. Other possibilities arise in our awareness, which are quite exciting and energizing, as we are inherently curious creatures.
Fear paralyses us, and thrives on anxiety, over-thinking, exaggerating, stuckness, restrictions, limitations, denial, isolation, shame, guilt, blaming, projection, and assumptions, based on untruths, misaligned, half-informed, misinformed, and fear-monging information.
Acting from the heart, which is inherent, we tap into our inner genius and life-force - in harmony with the life-force that runs within, though, and around us. Life is not separate from us; we are Life itself. How incredible is that? Nature is a magnificent mirror of our own true nature. Simply think of the power of the elements, of rain, of the wind, of the sun, of fire, of water, of a wave, of a river, of the earth, of the soil. Think of the power of our thoughts, emotions, and choices. Even logically speaking, what do we have to fear? Life goes on. Life is abundant. Life is forever moving, transforming, rejuvenating, resting, and flowing.
Anything, whether we perceive it as good/bad, right/wrong, appropriate/inappropriate, can be applied to be life-giving or life-destructing. And we do not talk about the natural cycles of life of birth, death, rebirth, or of spring, summer, autumn, winter, and spring again, or transformation and natural growth patterns, when we refer to destruction. Instead, we talk about deliberate harm.
We can choose Life and Love and turn our scars into stars! We can put our attention on that which is strong, life-affirming, and life-giving.
Thus, how do we break the cycle of fear? How do we transcend fear? By often celebrating and reconnecting with Love in all its forms and expressions. We do not have to do this alone; surrounding ourselves often with those who embrace Love, we become stronger.
Saying no to fear, in this moment? Join the global Love Wave.
On 13 February 2021, at 15h00 local time, 15 global virtual Love Hour events are facilitated and shared by Love Influencers - whom are all like-minded and like-hearted coaches, facilitators, guides, change agents, teachers, artists, and lovers of Love and Life - to reconnect us to Love in all its forms and expressions, and to remind us that we have a choice between Love and fear, and of the power and wonder of Love and Life.
These Love Hour events are shared once a month across the globe, as our Love muscles are like any other muscle in our bodies. We need to exercise, apply, and use it often, otherwise it becomes weak, especially when we feel vulnerable and fragile. Hence, why it is important to often break out of our social bubbles and echo chamber to remind ourselves and to have an opportunity to flex and strengthen our Love muscles and to cut bonds with fear.
You join via Zoom and are welcome to share the links with your friends, family, co-workers, and acquaintances, especially those who are fragile, vulnerable, and who struggle at the moment. Thank you for celebrating and sharing Love forward in this way.
Information and Links about the Love Hours and participating Love Influencers, are available here: https://bit.ly/3jIZ9lJ and https://bit.ly/3cGtik8
I am excited and grateful to be sharing two Love Hour experiences in English, on 13 February 2021. During the first, at 15h00 Johannesburg/Cairo/Athens/Helsinki, together we creatively and playfully explore how Love - in all its forms and expressions - enables self-leadership; connected, conscious, and aware living- and business practices; and social impact initiatives to have more visible impact, and how a state of Love co-creates a reality where all can thrive - all humans without exception, and our beautiful planet - thus the other side of inequality, climate change, poverty, unemployment, and struggle. The Zoom Link: https://bit.ly/3oxmS9d
During the second Love Hour at 15h00 CET you are welcome to join AkikoFrid Byra from Sweden and myself, as together, we explore what we can learn from the Nordic Secret and its relation to Love in all its forms and expressions. The Zoom Link: https://bit.ly/2Ys7bFQ
* exert from 'IOS - i am onto something - embracing the new' by Hannelie Venucia
**exert from 'i wonder what will happen next' by Hannelie Venucia