CoVid-19 Is The Anti-Social Disease | industry, the lockdown & consumer online subscription entertainment strategies
"We are all social beings after all", Justin Trudeau, Canadian Prime Minister [ix] | The Guardian, Mar 13, 2020

CoVid-19 Is The Anti-Social Disease | industry, the lockdown & consumer online subscription entertainment strategies

CoVid-19 is ‘the anti-social disease’[i].

?To navigate?their way through and beyond this?extraordinary period in history, Australian businesses must employ?ingenuity, dexterity and resourcefulness, while mobilising and accelerating production to deliver manufacturing and professional services that contribute to a rebirth of Australian?sovereign?capital.??

During this unique period of shared-alone, isolated human experience, Wise Words Media is investigating and tracking changes in?buyer?behaviour, consumer psychology?and consumer spending habits around the globe.??

The online poll will be launched 1st May, 2020 via LinkedIn and,au.

Distorted demand around ‘under-serviced’ supply of consumer goods and services is changing the psychology that drives our collective buyer behaviours. Minute-by-minute. Day-to-day. Cultures and economies world-wide are dealing with fluid, rapid, fast-changing perceptions and realities.?Once inconceivable patterns of conduct are twisting consumer buyer behaviour and habits. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs has never been more?true than now.??

Wise Words Media is researching and exploring consumer demand for unique, high-quality online, subscription-based audio content, as well as a vital niche in B2B broking, B2C intermediary?essential services”, says?Sean McIntyre, Catering and Fresh Food Consultant and?Content Producer at?Wise Words Media.?

“Insights from Wise Words Media’s online poll will drive planned release of Wise Words Media‘s new e-commerce product from our extensive and growing audio content library:?A Fistful of Scripts”.?

“For the foreseeable future normal patterns of discretionary spending are gone, so too long-held key drivers of consumer confidence”,?

“Buyer behaviour is key”, says Sean McIntyre.

Accelerating and mobilising its resources within the professional?services space(s) during CoVid-19 lockdown, Wise Words Media is investigating consumer and?industry?insights as they evolve.?In particular, consumer strategies and?choices around online subscription packages for online entertainment (audio).

Also planned?in the immediate future is investigations into the hospitality space for demand from suppliers for essential services in B2B broking and B2C?intermediary services.

Given the reality-shift and new CoVid-19 environment, the goal is to recalibrate, reorientate Wise Words Media‘s professional services.??These must meet and fulfil the changes in business and consumer relationships wrought by CoVid-19 and new social distancing practices affecting individuals and businesses alike.

Sean McIntyre points to recent, disconcerting political discourse and public announcements the world over – nearly every country is vulnerable to an inadequate, unsecured stock and supply for PPE healthcare equipment and care products. No more so than ventilators – so crucial to ICU treatment and recovery of CoVid-19 patients world-wide.?

“…There will not be just one point of view on how to solve the problems we face… [ii]

Early sentiments from one Australian politician proved unnervingly accurate: “…ingenuity, dexterity and resourcefulness” will determine how Australia progresses through and out of this extraordinary period in history.???

The Hon. Bill Shorten MP is Australia’s?Shadow Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme and?Shadow Minister for Government Services.?During Australia’s last parliamentary sitting prior to the announcement of federal relief economic stimulus packages, he summed up Australia’s sudden economic and cultural challenges perfectly.

“Coronavirus is inherently an antisocial disease”[iii].?

In a speech to Australia’s House of Representatives, Monday 23rd March 2020, 13.20pm, he further observed?“…we need to have mobilisation to get our factories churning out more ventilators, masks and PPE. We need to make sure we’re not inadvertently exporting health supplies which our own people require”[iv].?On CoVid-19 he continued:

“…(it) forces us not to congregate en masse, not to cluster together and not to go to concerts or football. Old industries, however, have gone in Australia.??

This virus has shown that we need?sovereign capability.?We intuitively?know we need sovereign capability in relation to our defence forces. I’ve spoken before of our need for sovereign?capability in relation to energy sources and fuel supplies. There are obvious virtues in having sovereign capability?when it comes to steel and areas of manufacturing.?

But, to this list of sovereign capability, we are learning we?need to have sovereign capability in medical equipment and medical supplies.?

What we now require is a form of wartime-like mobilisation to build our own equipment. I, like many members of this House, am being inundated?with offers from manufacturers saying: ‘We have got the people. We have the skills. We have the desire, the?ingenuity and the knowledge to build equipment'”[v].

“Our neglected manufacturing sector must reclaim and rebuild Australia’s collective ‘sovereign capital'”, says Wise Words Media‘s Sean McIntyre. “As Mr Shorten accurately observed: ‘Our new economy is built around things that cannot be outsourced or automated—in other words, service industries…what we now require is a form of?wartime-like mobilisation to build our own equipment’[vi].???

Service industries that include tourism and Australia’s tertiary sector. It’s over-geared reliance on the international student sector is well-documented. Yesterday in Melbourne, Australia, both RMIT and La Trobe University ‘in a sign of the mounting financial pressure on Australia’s universities..moved to let go of hundreds of casual staff’[vi]-a.?

As a driver of the world economy, Sean McIntyre says that true globalisation is dead.??Politicians, businesses and professional services – even school teachers and parents – are learning on the run.?

“To survive, businesses must submit and integrate the flow of overwhelming change into their operations. Consumer confidence is being thrashed to a pulp, so?too?the psychology of buyer behaviour”, says?Catering and Fresh Food Consultant and?Content Producer?at Wise Words Media, Sean McIntyre.??

Policy-wise (unknown, unforeseen perils of CoVid-19 notwithstanding), at most door-stop and breakfast TV interview pre- and post-Australia’s last federal election; Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has repeatedly hawked: “If you have a go, you’ll get a go”.

The confusing and mind-bending CoVid-19 crisis offers an?opportunity that must be met and exceeded with typical Australian traits of ingenuity, dexterity and resourcefulness.??

Add to that list sole traders, business start-ups, old fashioned hustle and gritty entrepreneurialism.

Since 20th March 2020, Wise Words Media is now actively mobilising and accelerating at pace to contribute more Australian sovereign capital into Australia’s economy via the professional services sector[vii].??

“Buyer behaviour is key – grasp the underlying psychology and you’re half-way to understanding consumer spending changes outside of the usually?reliable?drivers of consumer confidence and discretionary spending patterns”.?

According to, “The financial carnage of the coronavirus-induced crisis is weighing heavily on the economy and business sentiment as revealed in the plunging Westpac consumer confidence index. The survey, jointly produced by the major bank and the Melbourne Institute, shows a collapse of nearly 18 per cent in April, the largest monthly decline in its 47-year history”[viii].????

We are all social beings after all”, Justin Trudeau, Canadian Prime Minister[ix].

“Humans are social beings. Weeks of?unrelenting lockdown will for many people understandably build into insatiable cravings for human contact.?It’s already happening”, says?Catering and Fresh Food Consultant and?Content Producer?Sean McIntyre. “Even proven successful, online digital channel experience’s?alone will not save or sustain businesses outright”.

The only priority for Australia’s businesses leaders should be?Human to Human services offering empathy, not digital experiences offering unending, tone-deaf content.

“Only truly meaningful?consumer relationships driven by appropriately socially-distant?yet thoroughly human-to-human, human-driven, human-based contact are going to push through and beyond these lockdown periods”, says Wise Words Media’s Sean McIntyre.

“When the time comes – those businesses will survive to rebound and turn a normal profit again in both cultural and in real dollar-terms”.

Wise Words Media‘s online poll will be launched 1st May, 2020 via LinkedIn and,au.

image credits

  • Content curator: Sean McIntyre,?Catering and Fresh Food Consultant and?Content Producer,?Wise Words Media
  • The Age, The Guardian, AFP, AAP, Getty images, Rueters – 13 April to 15 April 2020 as listed and attributed as best as possible where appropriate.
  • Photographers acknowledged and credit attributed where possible. Apologies my inadequate credit to your professional visuals insights into the people and situations you documented for your readers. It is not my intention to use your images without proper credit. Please do not hesitate me at any time [email protected] for editing of image credit and / or withdrawal of permission to republish your work, which to be honest largely inspired the writing of this LinkedIn article. Thankyou for your work.
  • Gratefully acknowledging that access to images made possible by free live blog content of both The Age and The Guardian masthead’s. This enable’s the community to access up-to-date, vital information daily, minute-by-minute as the CoVid-19 pandemic wreaks havoc across entire national health systems and aged care nursing homes world-wide
  • This article dedicated to my mother, Mrs Pauline McIntyre, 83 years of age. Currently a resident in lockdown at an Aged Care Facility, Middle Camberwell, Victoria, Australia – her cognition already ravaged beyond repair with cognitive impairment (Parkinson’s Disease). “We are all social beings after all”, (Justin Trudeau, Canadian Prime Minister). Mum, you are the truest of social beings. Spirit and personality unaffected, she is still enjoying her memories and her days as only she has always known and continues to know how.
  • This article dedicated to my father Mr John McIntyre, 85 years of age. Currently a resident in lockdown in his own home Sunbury, Victoria, Australia – Despite 2 back-to-back hernia operations (2018) and a gallbladder operation (2019), he somehow manages to make a nearly 4 hour round trip to spend time with my Mum look effortless.?It’s not.?It took the global pandemic of CoVid-19 to stop him from boarding a VLine train in Sunbury to Middle Camberwell nearly every day of the week by himself – since Sept, 2019.
  • This article dedicated to both my parents. I am proud to bear witness to my dad’s noble care of my mum. With respect to my mum’s acceptance of her condition and deterioration – even more so. Mum and Dad, the truest of community-minded social beings.
  • “We are all social beings after all” – this article dedicated to my four delightful nephews

  3. IMAGE 1: 20200415_C-19_Intl_CzechRep_Arts_Czech National Ballet_Radka Zvonarova_soloist
  4. IMAGE 2: 20200402_C-19_Intl_Morrocco_Rabat_Health_SurvivalDischarge_Fadel SennaAFPGetty
  5. IMAGE 3: 20200414_C-19_Intl_Taiwan_Health_HospitalNewborn
  6. IMAGE 4: 20200414_C-19_Intl_Spain_Barcelona._Nursing home patients_coronavirus symptoms_ambulance
  7. IMAGE 6: 20200414_C-19_Intl_Aust_Sydney – Rockdale, Politics_ClinkQueues_AAP
  8. IMAGE 7: 20200414_C-19_Intl_UK_Birmingham_Health_Prince William_NHS Nightingale Hospital Opening
  9. IMAGE 8: 20200410_C-19_Intl_France_Religion_FthrNicoli | 11 Dec 2024 removed / replaced as directed byMagdalena Tymczyszyn Compliance Officer PicRights Australia Pty Ltd +61 3 9961 3890 [email protected]??Image License Inquiry for Agence France-Presse – Reference Number: 5915-6768-9607
  10. IMAGE 9: 20200406_guardian_100Days_crop
  11. IMAGE 10: 20200414_C-19_Intl_France_Politics_Macron_NationalTV
  12. IMAGE 11: 20200415_C-19_Intl_France_Health_ParisMetro
  13. IMAGE 12: 20200415_C-19_Intl_USA_Health_JohnsHopkinsUni_CoVid-19Map
  14. IMAGE 13: 20200402_C-19_Intl_Spain_Mortality_Health_Burial_APOlmo Calvo




[i] Commonwealth of Australia, 2019–20 Additional Budget Estimates, House of Representatives | Transcript | 23 Mar 2020 House of Representatives – Proof, Hansard, p44 MONDAY, 23 MARCH 2020

[ii] see 1

[iii] see 1

[iv] see 1

[v] see 1

[vi] see 1

[vi]-a. ‘Very big hit indeed’: RMIT and La Trobe cut hundreds of casual staff’, The Age, Michael Fowler, April 17, 2020?6.44pm?

[vii] see 1

[viii] ‘Westpac survey reveals coronavirus caused consumer confidence to fall’,?, James Hall, APRIL 15, 2020 2:56PM

[ix] ’Justin Trudeau announces sweeping steps to tackle coronavirus in Canada’, The Guardian, Mar 13, 2020

THE GUARDIAN – live | at publication, Saturday 18th April, 2020 1.21pm AEST

Coronavirus live news: China pushes for ‘comprehensive’ economic reopening as global deaths pass 150,000

Trump again casts doubt on virus origins; Germany’s health minister says pandemic ‘under control’; Putin warns of ‘high risk’ from Covid-19

THE AGE – live | at publication, Saturday 18th April, 2020 1.21pm AEST

Coronavirus updates LIVE: Global COVID-19 cases surpass 2.1 million, Australian death toll stands at 65


  • The global death toll from coronavirus has passed 146,000. There are more than 2.1 million known cases of infection but more than 554,000 people have recovered, according to the Johns Hopkins University tally
  • In Australia, the death toll stands at 65 and there are 6522 confirmed cases
  • China says its economy contracted 6.8 per cent in the first quarter of 2020 due to the pandemic, which began in Wuhan, Hubei province
  • Separately, China increased Wuhan’s coronavirus death toll by 50 per cent
  • A UN body estimates 300,000 Africans will die as a result of the coronavirus pandemic

About Wise Words Media

For content makers and content creative’s, there’s never been a better time to?approach audience’s around the globe.

Audiences are literally captive. House-bound. And hungering for fresh, unique content with market-tested cred presented by trusted, well-known brands that have commercial traction and deep industry-credibility.?

Wise Words Media‘s family of brands are not just story-telling vehicles – they are stories waiting to be told multiple times to multiple audiences across integrated, multiple platforms. Over and over and over again.

Established in 2003,?Wise Words Media?has more than 19 years of experience in content production, marketing, media and communications. We have created, written, edited, published and distributed content across a diverse range of industry sectors including finance, legal, tourism, the arts, tertiary and government.

We have worked within multi-nationals and side-by-side in partnership with creative practitioners and professionals at corporate and SME level.

About Sean McIntyre

Collaborative by nature,?content?producer?Sean McIntyre?brings to life the vision of clients as well as creatives such as writers, directors and producers.?

He is an?experienced film producer?and screenwriter of world cinema.?Sean McIntyre‘s?Callumny Films represents scripts of various genres for international co-productions at international film markets written by himself and other screenwriters – such as American Film Market, USA.?

Sean McIntyre?has also produced and written plays which have been

performed in Australia, Ireland and the United States.?Selected for?Melbourne Theatre Company’s prestigious 2015 NEON Festival, his new work ‘KIDS’?performed to a sold out audience.?

He established?Wise Words Media?in 2003,?A Fistful of Scripts?in Jul 2010,?Lounge Theatre?in 2012 and?Callumny Films?in 2014.

He is also co-founder / writer / producer at?Jimmy Flinders Productions, established in Nov 2011 with co-founder / director / producer Marco Romero Rodriguez.

Further Information

Melbourne |?Sean McIntyre

T: +61 0413 397 441 | E:?[email protected]?|?skype:


Sean McIntyre

multi-media producer at CALLUMNY FILMS, producer | writer | creative director at #webseries & A FISTFUL OF SCRIPTS

4 年

This article also dedicated to Chris Uzal , florida, USA. In 2004, Chris and I struck up a long-distance working relation-ship. He read and kindly approached me with positive feedback about one of the first long-form online op-ed pieces I ever wrote. Published on, funny thing was I was about 34 at the time with no writing credits whatsoever. was for youth 18 to 25. Noone bothered with birth certifcates and passports re: age check. No long after. Chris gave me a stint -- no, hang on...he invited me for a 6 week stint as guest Editor-in-Chief for It's catch cry: 'We'll tell you what to think'. And Chris always did. Thanks again Chris for your generous collaboration. That six weeks helped me find a voice and place to craft writing to the point I've authored content with the quality of this article. You are a very big reason for this article coming together. Thanks, mate.

Sean McIntyre

multi-media producer at CALLUMNY FILMS, producer | writer | creative director at #webseries & A FISTFUL OF SCRIPTS

4 年

#coronovirus #covid19 #covid19outbreak #coronavirusawareness #coronavirusaustralia #coronavirususa #coronavirusfacts #coronavirusupdate #coronavirusnews #coronaalert #outlets #contentproduction #productionhouse #contentproducer #videoproducer #mediaproduction #productioncompany #producer #contentcreator #filmindustry #audiocontent #hospitality #catering #freshfood #merchants #outlets

Sean McIntyre

multi-media producer at CALLUMNY FILMS, producer | writer | creative director at #webseries & A FISTFUL OF SCRIPTS

4 年


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