Opeyemi Peter Idowu
Physics Educator | Former Principal at Two Secondary Schools | NCE (Integrated Science) | B.Sc. Ed & M.Sc. (Physics) | Ph.D. Researcher in Physics | Committed to Advancing Science & Education.
INTRODUCTION: According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a wise woman is a woman characterized by wisdom: marked by deep understanding, keen discernment, and a capacity for sound judgment. The attributes of a wise in the definition above, demand wisdom that can only be given by God. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding (Proverbs 9:10 NIV). This simply means a wise woman is a woman who fears the Lord. Therefore it is not a gainsaying if we say that the amount of Lord’s fear a woman has will determine the amount of wisdom she carries. Her wisdom is made complete by divine instructions she receives from the Holy Spirit before taking any action, no matter how insignificant the society may categorize such actions. This will in the long run contribute to the building of her home according to God’s purpose for her household.
On the other hand, a foolish woman pulls down her own house by carelessly, or spitefully, adopting destructive habits that alienate and impoverish her family. She commits adultery with another man -- or woman. She spends money the family does not have, or invests the family fortune foolishly in what she does not understand. She mocks, undercuts, and derides her man, robbing him of confidence and courage. She demands her own way, even with tears and threats, until she gets what she wants. She whispers to her children that she, not their father, really loves them, while subtly or not so subtly, undercuts his authority. “The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish pulls it down with her hands,” not just by doing nothing when she should be working, but by tearing things apart with her own hands, feet, and tongue.
A wise woman builds her house, even in a society where men overtly hold the reins of power as in ancient Israel.
?1) Like Ruth and Mary she bears children, knowing that salvation comes from the offspring of women (Genesis 3:15, Ruth 4:11, Luke 1:38, I Timothy 2:15). There is something wrong with those who disdainfully refer to mothers as “breeders.”?
2) Like Abigail, a wise woman who decisively protects her household from imminent danger, even against the wishes of her foolish husband (I Samuel 25).?
3) Like Lydia, a wise woman builds her house by working diligently with her own hands; she is successful at business (Acts 16, Proverbs 31).?
4) Like Leah and Rachel, who despite mutual rivalry and disappointments with husband Jacob, stood with him against their father Laban, knowing that for their new family they had left father and mother (Genesis 31, Psalm 45).?
Other amazing examples of wise women are Sarah, known for good hospitality and entertaining guests. Dorcas, known for her generosity plus deliberate care for the widows. Virgin Mary, whom she is known for her modest and undefiled lifestyle. Esther, who uses her influence to help others. Rahab, a courageous woman who risks her life for the sake of Israelites.??
ATTRIBUTES OF A WISE WOMAN: Proverbs 31 discusses the six characteristics of a wise woman:?
1) Her character as a wife: a wise woman is a woman of noble character not just to her husband alone but to every single person around her (Proverbs 12:4 NIV, Ruth 12:4 NIV, Acts 17:11).?
2) Her devotion as a homemaker: a wise woman builds her home, they don’t sabotage their home. She works diligently to select the best things for her family. She is not lazy in all their doings (Proverbs 31:13-18).?
3) Her generosity as a neighbour (Proverbs 31:20): a wise woman is very hospitable, she gives alms, she takes care of strangers.? For example, The Widow of Zarephath (1 Kings 17:7-16),? Dorcas (Acts 9:36-42), and Sarah(Hebrew 13:2) etc.
4) Her influence as a teacher (Proverbs 31:26-28): a wise woman is a teacher of God’s Word. They have strong influence over their children just like Lois and Eunice who are Timothy’s mother and grandmother respectively (2 Timothy 1:5). She trains up her children in the way of Lord (Proverbs 22:6)?
5) Her effectiveness as a mother and a wife: a wise woman is efficient at being a good mother by seeking Godly knowledge (Proverbs 15:14). She submitted herself to her husband in order to be a pleasant wife (Ephesians 5:22). She lives a balanced life as a wife and as a mother.
6) Her excellence as a woman (Proverbs 31:16): a wise woman shows excellence in what to buy and what not to buy. She is industrious and diligent in her business. She is a kind of woman that maximizes the available resources for the good of her household.??????
CONCLUSION: Micah 6:8 NIV; “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God”. What God requires of every Christian woman is to be a wise woman who builds her house continuously and not to be the folly that tears it down with her hand.
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