Be Wise, Prioritize!
Genesis Onomiwo
Titles are great, impact is greater >< Forbes Accelerator Cohort '20
A lighthouse keeper on a rocky stretch of a coastline received a new supply of oil each month to keep the light burning. Being close to shore, he had lots of guests. A woman from the village needed some oil to keep her family warm; a farmer requested some for his tractor; a mechanic wanted some to lubricate a wheel. All the requests seemed legitimate so the lighthouse keeper tried to please everybody. Before the month was over his oil was gone and the beacon went out. As a result, several ships were wrecked and lots of lives were lost in the catastrophe that ensued. When the authorities investigated, the man was very repentant. But to his excuses and pleading their reply was, “You were given oil for one purpose- to keep the light burning.”
One of life’s greatest challenges is thinking and doing the things that ultimately matter and eventually bring real success.
Wisdom means having the discipline to prioritize and the ability to work towards a stated goal. It is the art of knowing what to overlook and what to necessarily focus on with a view to achieving the most important things per time.
Prioritization or prioritizing is the art of arranging the plans to be executed strictly on the basis of their relative importance or hierarchical value.
It is one thing to decide, it is quite another to actually do whatever has been decided upon. But both must necessarily go hand in hand at every stage of a person’s life, if that life would amount to something really worthwhile in the process of time. This is because a life in which anything goes is a life in which nothing really goes- one in which stagnation becomes the order of the day. Prioritize your activities and your life will naturally advance with dignity and colour.
Welcome to greatness!
? Genesis Onomiwo (TheRealGen)
Thursday, May 18th 2017.