A wise man never knows all. Only fools know everything.
To be considered wise is to be viewed as an individual who has consumed a great deal of knowledge and can therefore articulate a deeper, more encompassing opinion on matters.
?In doing so a person realizes that given the length of life and the volume of information in the world everything can never be known. They will never truly BE wise. They humbly accept the fact they will always be fools in the grand scheme of things.
A fool is obviously viewed as someone who knows almost nothing at all. However their arrogance will not allow them to accept or address this fact. They believe their world view and the little they do know is sufficient to know everything and answer any question.
In doing so they ultimately perceive themselves to BE wise.
Humility therefore equates to wisdom whilst arrogance correlates to foolishness.
The world is vast, unimaginably and incredibly immense. Knowing this world in all its manifestations will take many lifetimes and even then there will be failure in knowing all.
Coming to grips with this failure and accepting one’s limitations in knowledge is a wise thing to do. This does not mean getting comfortable with ignorance. It simply reveals that one has tried his best and has approached the depths but has realized that it is not the end, there is more. There will always be more.
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Thank you?...This is the truth that is experienced when one has sincerely undertaken the journey to learn.
Then there are some, who claim to know it all: The enlightened and the fools
The enlightened… they can prove themselves.
The fools…. will not to be able to defend themselves.
When someone claims to know everything it exposes their level of ignorance. It is only a fool will claim to know everything but a rising man is willing to learn from anyone he comes in contact with. And see his own flaws and acknowledges the limited knowledge of humans, he aligns to new thinking patterns and shapes his thoughts based on proven bits of wisdom and accepts them whenever it makes sense to him.
He is never intimidated by being around those who know more than him because it opens doors of learning for him.
He has a growth mindset and creates room for new ideas and concepts. He listens more, he accepts his mistakes and never sees them as being stupid, he knows that no one has a monopoly over knowledge and he paves way for his growth and learning.
He never wastes his time crying over his failures but sees them as another lesson learned and it makes them emerge better. Whenever you see a fool, they always flaunt their idiosyncrasies and claims to be clever than everyone.
Do you want to add a word or two?....
We’re all wise and we’re all fools. We are just wise and fool in different areas.
If you want to win fools, act like one. If you have to deal with fools, act like one. Be clever around them and you have an enemy stronger than the devil himself.
If you tell a fool he’s a fool, he thinks you are a fool.
And guess what? You probably are.
If you tell a wise man that he’s wise, he thinks you are wise.
And guess what? You probably are.
If you tell a fool he’s wise, he thinks that he really is wise and so are you.
And guess what? You aren’t.
If you tell a wise that he’s fool, he thinks that he is a fool but you aren’t.
And guess what? You are.
If you are fool but stay with wise, you end up being wise. If you’re wise but stay with fools, nope- you don’t become a fool. You become brain dead.
A fool is a fool only in the eyes of others. In his own eyes he is mostly damn smart.
A wise is a wise in the eyes of the wise. In his own eyes and those of the fools he’s a fool.
Fools pretend to be wise. Wise often pretend to be fools or just don’t care.
Letting fools stay fools is often the best, the safest and most beneficial strategy for the wise.
One of the biggest tests of wisdom is how a wise handles a fool.
Your comments........?
Wise person knows he know less. So he talks less and hears more. A wise person has respect and is usually correct. People are also scared of a wise man's words.
A fool thinks he knows everything, so talks a lot and hears less. A fool doesn't command any respect as he or she is invariably wrong. People are least bothered about the foolish person's words.
I learned this ancient Chinese wisdom:
Those who know, and know they know, are wise. Follow them.
Those who know, and do not know they know, are asleep. Wake them.
Those who know not, and know they know not are students. Teach them.
Those who know not, and know not they know not are fools. Shun them.
Silence is the best way to judge the person whether he is fool or wise. Generally, wise people will choose to be silent in most of the fights, while fools will try harder to argue back, just to keep their side correct.
Wise person know when to speak, where to speak and how to speak, when he is alleged to some false accusations by the people who don’t even matter in his life, he will choose silence over wasting his energy in explaining to fools.
A fool is known by his speech while a wise man is known by his silence.
Managing Director at DAYALIZE
3 年Only difference between a fool and genius is process. The wise man knows life is a process. The fool has none. It's our choice to be a wise man or be a fool. We know all this is done by our actions and our daily routine activities. The characteristics of a wise person are he/she is a good listener as well as a good observer. A wise person always thinks before speaking. He analyzes the person in front of him and he never get over confident on himself. He always remains attached to the ground and on the other side a foolish person is exactly opposite of this. So think what you are. Changing yourselves is in your hands. The wise man knows very few will listen to him or care what he has to say. His wisdom is gained from experience — and very few want to learn from someone else’s experience. Only by charging a fee will the wise man be respected. Only then will others listen. They’ll believe they have purchased something of value. The fool prattles on in a loud voice, mostly about himself and his so-called adventures and claims of accrued knowledge. While few men listen to the wise man, very many listen to the fool. This truism should give you a clue about the mind of the common man. He is gullible and likes to be entertained. He is apt to let fools do his thinking for him. The fool doesn’t charge a fee. He always has an audience hooting in his favor. He wants to feed his ego, not his belly. Yet there is a third man to consider: The knowledgeable man is valuable: many want to hear the knowledge he has gained. A listener can avoid the work of learning on his own. He can avoid the task of reading or otherwise discovering the knowledge he wants to know. This is why the knowledgeable man is also silent. (NOTE: Though I use the masculine pronoun, these words apply equally to the feminine.)