As a wise leader what gifts would you resolve to give your people in 2016?

As a wise leader what gifts would you resolve to give your people in 2016?

Alas, the holiday season is over!  Just a few days ago on the 6th January many in the Christian world celebrated Three Kings Day, a feast to commemorate when the wise men paid homage to the “King of Kings”.  The 5th is also called the eve of the Epiphany, as it was the first time that Christ, a divine being, manifested to the gentiles.  The date also signifies the end of the Christmas season, being the 12th day of the eponymous carol.  In Tudor times twelfth night also marked the end of winter.  Parties were held where roles were reversed, cake was eaten and pipes were played.  So not much had changed since Shakepeare's time!   

For many of us, early January is a time for settling down to more serious work and even for setting some New Year resolutions.  If you hope to make a positive change in how you lead, what might you resolve to do that’s new or different? Perhaps the three wise men can shed some helpful light.  They brought three special gifts to the infant who went on to become a great inspiration for so many.  What made those gifts so valuable and why might they be relevant to leadership? 

I am no theologian, but I happen to be a chemist by background and have long been fascinated by what makes for good leadership.  So here’s what occurs to me.  Perhaps you'll find in it something to inspire whatever goals you may set yourself as a leader this year.


Gold is an element found in nature.  Its rarity and impressive qualities make it very precious - not unlike good leaders.  All the electron “spaces” in its outer shell are filled, conferring low reactivity, a key reason why it does not weather or rust like many other metals.  Interestingly good leaders are also relatively stable and research shows that they tend to score low on Neuroticism, one of the Big 5 measures of personality.  This means they're relatively balanced, optimistic and confident, inspiring calm even in stressful conditions.  Gold is also a metal – it is malleable, bending with ease and without damage to itself.  It also conducts heat and electricity.  Good leaders adapt well to change and help others to do so, communicating effectively, often with energy and warmth.  Anywhere I’ve observed leaders with some or all of the qualities above, I've also noticed an environment of trust and confidence, where people readily generate creative responses to any challenges that might be faced.


Frankincense has been used for millennia in temples and holy places to aid reflection and prayer.  It's even reputed to promote an altered state where one can envision dreams.  I doubt it is a coincidence that good leaders regularly take time out to reflect and learn from successes and mistakes, to seek guidance from others they respect, and to build a vision of a better future.   Doubtless you'll know from personal experience (and there is much literature to prove it) that learning enables maturation, that deepening self-awareness helps us move beyond our limitations, and that cultivating a sense of personal purpose is essential if leaders are to inspire.  However, living these personal improvement practices can be a challenging path and, unsurprisingly, a relative few take it consistently.  The upswing in the demand for coaches and for leaders with coaching skills in recent years could, however, be a very good sign that more are choosing it and getting the help they need to stick with it.    


Like Frankincense, Myrrh has been around a long time.  Believed to have rejuvenative properties, it was used in ancient Egypt for anointing and embalming royalty.  Indeed it is a powerful antioxidant.  Having anti-fungal and anti-parasitic properties, it can rid infection and treat wounds.  Again, here I see a parallel.  Good leaders tend to be alert to the psychological toxins in their organisational environment and actively develop the skills to neutralize them.  I've seen leaders bravely deal with the unpleasant task of letting unsuitable people go and work hard to bring clarity where there is unnecessary confusion.  However, I've also seen leaders who procrastinate and end up with tougher messes on their hands.  I've been fortunate to work with some leaders who have the courage to address conflict with constructive dialogue, even if not as skilfully as they'd hope.  I've also seen many others who prefer to avoid conflict, allowing issues to fester and emerge as destructive politics.  In my mind there is no question that a good leader has a healing effect on the system, freeing the energy necessary for building a youthful, thriving organisation, whatever its size or age.  

All in all, my guess is that those Three Wise Men were called wise for a reason.  Perhaps the same reason they became kings.  Why not take some inspirations from their gifts.  What could you hone this year to take your leadership to another level?  Make your resolutions royal and give your people something precious and enduring beyond the holidays - an even better you! 

With my very best wishes for a fulfilling and prosperous year.



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