Wise Humanity Closing Ceremony
James Graywolf Petruzzi
Teacher, guide, student at Sanctuaries of the Earth Mother
Link: https://youtu.be/m2ne-Oihs9U
People and organizations from around the world, including White Otter Academy, were a part of this beautiful summit. The organizer, Veronica Larraya of Uruguay, did an amazing job bringing us all together. Here is the closing ceremony, with some powerful messages for peace and unity along with a strong spiritual base we will need going forward. I see a new push for unity of cultures around the world fighting for their threatened watersheds, forests, rivers, coastlines, mountains, rainforests, reefs, social rights and so on. I felt this during Unity Week, and then on through the Up Convergence and Peace Weekend - and now, again, here in this summit. And, I am certain, in other places where groups are working I have not experienced.
All of these efforts are beautiful and powerful, yet each is a small stream running down a hillside - often not even known about outside of their local region. Or at least not fully understood elsewhere. Imagine uniting all of these efforts - and all of these cultures in one magical, transformative essence. Many streams coming together as a huge, erupting river moving tsunami-like down a mountainside. Accomplishing what the streams can not. One "being' If you like... containing each project or effort in integrity while supporting as a whole. This has been proposed before. I have been in some of the efforts. This time, this 'present moment' will, I believe, allow us to succeed. To lay ego and doubt aside and unite. To stand up to those who oppose any changes to our human existence and our planet's healthy mending and all their lies and attacks and attempts to keep us separated will be washed away in a positive flood of healing. Together we will tell all people about the efforts to save our homes and peoples so the lack of information and coverage from mainstream media will not hamper anyone's awareness. U.S. Representative John Lewis, who recently died, worked for change his entire life. He likes to say "Get in good trouble". We are ready to get in good trouble together.
Here are some of Veronica's words about this event and closing: "Yesterday has been the last day of the - W I S E H U M A N I T Y S U M M I T - I am totally humbled by the beauty of this journey, of the expansion that I have experienced and heard other share too. From all this Love, huge GRATITUDE has blossomed and it grows and grows the more I harvest this experience.
Thank you, for joining this summit, for answering the calling into a life more connected with your humanness, with more understanding about yours and others' journey. Thank you for the openness to listen to different voices that share deep wisdom.
Now is time to look within, what does resonate with my essence?
What are my gifts? We are all needed with the gifts that we bring, how can I give the step?
What do I need to give the steps in alignment with my gift?"
This call to join together is coming from many places. Let's all hear it and respond.
In deep respect for what we all are doing - and are about to do,
Jim Graywolf Petruzzi
human being and treehugger
Jim Graywolf Petruzzi
Author, speaker, White Otter Academy
"Wisdom from the past magically stirred with knowledge from the present as a catalyst to transform your future." ~ Jim