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1. No wisdom comes to man without experiencing, and no experience comes with out body in which he is embalmed, which has locomotion to make it dynamic, and also source of all knowledge.

1.1. Life becomes rudderless ship till one understands his own subtle mind, cause of everything what he experiences as doer. We are not aware that mystery shrouds the mind, which casts every one of us as doer of our routine.

1.2 We are all born with our inborn nature, and instrument called mind projects us and others in relation to each other. We find infinite humanity of varying nature with whom we are in contact, through our vision. We develop likes and dislikes relative to our own nature. Life sustains, with mind putting us in delusion that we are makers of our own destiny, which is not true.

1.3 This is all about self knowledge, and it cannot be conceived by birth. It is also impossible to experience this self knowledge till we come in direct rendezvous with our mind. Barring few realized sages, no one can teach us this knowledge. It becomes a direct experience, our own script, once we are into it as experiencers.

1.4 The key words of this topic are self, mind, nature, EGO (doer-ship), intellect, sub-conscious, spirit, and wisdom. Let us explore to know about our self: the way the rational mind wanting logic, understands.

Koshas of life

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2. We pass through various koshas of life enveloping seven stages in life, namely: Existence, Birth, Infancy, Youth, middle age, old age, and departure or death. The schematic of these koshas is given here??. We will discuss key words mentioned at paragraph 1.4 with reference to this schematic.

Conscious mind - Ignorant phase of life

3. Existence: The birth is conceived in Mother's womb with consciousness built into us, infused by creator, weeks after conception. In reality it is continuity from past, the journey of 'embodied soul' with accumulated karma for so many ages in cycle of births and deaths, and we are born as humans, in highest transcendental state, closer to dissolving into source that has created us - we call existence bliss. This item is further discussed at paragraph 5.0 to bring clarity.

3.1 Birth: We start our journey on Mother Earth with parental care, limited to family and friends' circle. We go by advice of our parents, because they are responsible for our well being and upkeep. we maintain good relations with family and friends, that our parents choose.

3.2 Academic and professional life: Teacher student relations get our degrees. We conceive knowledge that gives us proficiency to get qualified for various jobs. We are deployed into various disciplines, namely: arts, trades, sciences, technicians or technologists, politics, philosophers and so on; for sustenance. Those who develop proficiency in sports, choose sports arena for sustenance.

Prā?amaya Kosha

3.3 Prā?amaya Kosha: Most of us go to gym, providing us range of facilities designed to improve and maintain physical fitness and health. Some of us also practice swimming, yoga, and also various kinds of sports as hobby. All these practices develop a good pra?ic body that reflects in hygiene and keep us fit to carryout our tasks with patience and perseverance. Most of us are not aware that it is Yoga that develops good Prā?ic body, which sustains us in sound condition to face turmoil in life in all situations including death. The schematic of Prā?ic body is as shown in adjacent figure.

3.4 Wakeful awareness: Till we enter active life, we are unaware that we have something called conscious mind, and it is the instrument through which every thing what we do is conceived and performed. We visualize entire activity happening outside us.

Sub-Conscious Mind

4.0 Manomaya Kosha: We come directly in rendezvous with mind when we enter active life of fulfilling our responsibilities as heads of family, and by way profession, carrying our duties.?It is so because, we become directly responsible for successes and failures in life, and most of us struggle in life to deliver our best, and to keep our status on par or above the circle we encounter. This is true nature of real doer (or potency) within us.

4.1 We are not aware that we have something called sub-conscious, which stores every experience within body. We salivate in it to perform present activity recollecting past, and also dream for future. This entire activity in Manomaya Kosha happens in dream state, because, it is subtle and unknowable mind that performs as spirit, conceiving plans and executing actions. We do our mind by default, but are not conscious about it. In short, it is conscious mind that performs, and we are unconscious salivating in it.

Vig?anamaya kosha

5.0 Malina Sattva or Evil Traits in man: We will not come to know that we have something called mind till we come in contact with conflicts of varying nature of surroundings or get into serious problems, because of some evil traits that we develop as a result of establishing our supremacy, with EGO making us feel that we are the best. They include greed, delusion or inconsistency, and pride - that results in intoxicated anger. We also develop envy, that develops distractors around us and destabilize us. In ignorance, we simply do our sub-conscious mind, fuming poisons in establishing supremacy.

5.1 It is in this emotional phase of mind that we suffer mental agony, we either head towards doom or surface with unknown self knowledge, which will reveal causal dimensions of our existence, which includes entire Universe, not taught to us by parents or at school.

5.2 In this topic, we will not discuss in depth, the doom or death in delusion, as we see it happening in our routine involving our family members and also friends. The persons who are facing death in ignorance and delusion can not reveal their mind, because the spirit fumes poison to pulldown EGO for a reason. Most of us experience old people going unstable, unable to adjust with young generation. In frustration, some of us prefer to find place for them in old age homes, hospice or convalescent centers. Noble are the people who keep their aged parents at home, despite difficulties they face on account of their mismatch with family.

Reason for instability at old age

5.3 All of us with out exception, are making of our subtle and mysterious mind, and think that we are power of our own making, least realizing that we are doing mind with which we have no connection, whatsoever. Mind is an instrument of spirit, borrowing its power from consciousness, that makes our routine. It is normally dormant and keeps man in delusion that he is the doer. But at the fag end of life, it awakens to assert that it is Supreme in the body, and fumes poison to pull down ego of unique individual to awaken him to realities of life. This is the time, when it wants to escape body, either to come back to recycle, or to merge with source that is created.

5.4 This is also the time that we come to know that we are engaged in innumerable cycles of birth and death, and we have come to this stage to have been born as humans in most advanced state of material evolution. Those who are due for enlightenment enter Vig?anamaya kosha. For others it is a death in delusion, unstable face, unable to understand the true meaning of life.

5.5 For those, who are due for what we call liberation, this phase is a direct experience. We call it destiny, as we come closer to consuming our reserve material energy (DNA), dissolving into source that made us. It is here we come to know subtle aspect of our personality, the spirit that makes our routine, and its vagaries (the body mind relationship). This phase takes us Supreme state of awareness, that settles us in our true residence. In this phase, we find ourselves in ineffable awe, called 'Anandamaya Kosha' and we gradually disappear into eternity like a glow.

Manas or Universal Mind - the causal dimension of our existence

6.0 At the core of creation is Supreme Indestructible Reality or Ultimate Truth (nucleus), we call Brahman (??????) in Sanskrit. Shrouding it is a charged sub-atomic essence called Eternal Nature (???????). We call it ātman in Sanskrit. The core is invisible and unknowable. but nothing can exist without it.

6.1 The core is so near because every object that is created is indivisible part of it, yet so far because it is beyond sensory perceptions that it is bestowed with. Everything has emanated from nothing, and this is also Big Bang Theory.

6.2 Borrowing power from Eternal Nature, Ether - the beginningless matter, manifests as Primordial Root Syllable AUM (?). The subsonic content in AUM makes it Elastic Ether Substratum resonating at AUM. It becomes charged Heavenly medium (or ākā?a in Sanskrit) shrouding Ultimate Truth, which holds entire Universe of isolated charged energies, in suspended animation.

6.3 The charged medium is also called Ultimate personality or Supreme Soul, a phenomenon, which gives sentience to all isolated charged objects, created to make it a diverse medium. Hence it is called Universal mind (Manas in Sanskrit) or Omniscient. It is creator, sustainer, and destroyer of all objects in material Universe.

6.4 This substratum in communion with other four great elements, namely: air, fire, water and Earth becomes gross visible body of each object in material Universe, uniquely and independently. It is creator, sustainer and destroyer of entire material Universe. Hence entire material Universe is a phenomenal existence.

6.5 The above explanation does not break laws of atomic theory with nucleus containing Neutrons and Protons, and single electron becoming many (diverse medium) with electron proton balancing. All laws of thermodynamics are applicable for descent and ascent of all objects, uniquely and independently.

Mother Kundalini

7.0 Now onwards, we will limit this discussion to humanity, in highest evolutionary state in material Universe. As we have already discussed, each one of us are bestowed with individual consciousness, which is infused into Universal Mother's womb, weeks after conception. In reality, it is infinitesimal potency of Supreme soul, appearing as set of Nadīs pervading the body, giving it expression. It is invisible substratum pervading entire body or Sukshma Sharira in Sanskrit. It is connected to Supreme Soul at Root Chakra (Mooladhara) near perineum.

7.1 It is subtle body that gives expression to all particles in the body to bestow their attributes, unique their own. It also pervades entire body for it to function as one Unit. It is called artificial Ego (Ahamkara or or I-maker), and this is the reason why man is in a state of body consciousness, and gets a feeling of doer ship of all Karma (or routine).

7.2 The material object has two inseparable constituents namely Consciousness (individual Atma) and material energy (Prā?a). It is mother Kundalini which functions as ātma ?akti in entire Universe in all objects, uniquely and independently. In humans SHE resides dormant at sacrum bone and pervades body through set of Nadis. Consciousness (īda - left breathe) and Pra?a (Pingala - the right breathe) together form two vital breathes, which become mind substance that projects manifest world on mind screen, unique one's own.

7.3 The subtle body (Ether substratum) envelops air, fire, water, Earth, mind, spiritual intelligence and false ego (or unmanifest nature) that become attributes of Mother Kundalini. It is material coat or DNA on Ether substratum made out air, fire, water, Earth in various combinations that makes three fold material nature; which decides the behavioural tendencies of man.

7.4 Thus, man is born with three-fold material nature, namely: a. Sattva (illumination and resilience), b. Rajas (activity and passion), c. Tamas (inert and lethargy). These are material qualities that become mind substance of man and he salivates in it. They are expressions of consciousness (meta physics). As within, so without - also means that everything happens , every moment as it should. Nothing right or wrong happens. Everything is Divine Expression. Vedanta does not accept the sins or virtues of anyone. One who understands this, understands transcendental philosophy.

7.5 Here is a quote from Bhagavad-Gita to confirm it: The Ultimate Consciousness neither creates human misconceptions of bodily identification nor fruitive activities, nor the union of fruitive actions and the resultant fruits; but it is due to the modes of material nature, engaging in acts. The omnipresent Ultimate Consciousness never accepts the sins nor either the virtues of anyone; actual knowledge is enveloped by ignorance and because of that living entities are deluded (Bhagavad-Gita 05.14,15).

?7.6 The persons born with Sattva predominant nature are highly noble and hold no opinion about others. They do not treat others different from them. They empower others with total non-interference so that they deliver their best. The persons born with Rajasic nature engage themselves in development of infrastructure for their own benefit and also for the benefit of others who support them, and provide the very best services in the interest of their own business. Some of them put their weight around and become irritant to society. The persons with Tamasic nature are highly deluded, in the sense that they are critical about others. Some of them are very cruel.

Grand Illusion and transcendence

8. The subtle body is unmanifest nature, but manifests as artificial EGO, to expresses all aspects of a personality, unattached. This fact is revealed in Bhagavad-Gita, and conveyed by all Sadhgurus to their disciples that they are pure consciousness, but enacting material nature by default. This revelation and and experiencing it as reality, brings about change in man at ripe time. Man develops awareness and experiences inactions in all actions, realizing that all actions are based on sensory perceptions, and he has nothing to do with it.

8.1 The Supreme soul is connected to it at root chakra near perineum, to bestow illumination to entire body. It is pure consciousness and the finest healing power - part of body, which can be felt by human perceptual touch called awareness. It cannot be borrowed from others. It becomes aid for body to evolve, and dissolve into immaterial self.

8.2 Borrowing power from Individual Consciousness or Atma, it is Atma Shakti or Mother Kundalini, which functions as material power or embodied soul in the body enacting Karma in three modes of material nature. Thus each human body is a transcendental power unique its own, seeking to dissolve into source, which is core of creation. and there is no connection to others, except through Supreme Soul.

8.3 Others are material influences relative to one another. Since the medium is elastic substratum, the human body becomes a photonic energy in subsonic domain, which becomes its identity. Others are material influences (or super-impositions) on mind, the intercommunication is provided by means of vibrations which are deciphered and expressed by Embodied Soul, through mysterious mind.

8.4 Thus, human body becomes embodiment of collective consciousness expressed by mysterious mind, unique one's own. Nothing ever happens outside one's own mind. Thus every human is world his own or universe his own, enclosed in a body, which is a vehicle of consciousness. The invisible immaterial self, residing at universal heart centre Anāhata (part of subtle body), gives sentience to consciousness and in turn to entire body.

8.5 Destiny guiding, the faculty called awareness, has far reaching consequences. The dormant serpent power awakens as plasma surrounding and permeating body and destroys DNA to remove curtains from unknown indweller (the witnessing feature or knower of the field of artificial creation) to become SAT CHIT ANANDA. He ultimately disappears like a glow, thus realizing himself to be beholder of immaterial self that gives sentience to entire creation.

8.6 Transcendental experience is highly painful and outside scope of this topic. Author, however, wishes to bring out separate article on it, once ongoing process within him comes to conclusion, culminating into sense withdrawal or Pratyahara, the fifth wing of Ashtanda Yoga..

Highlights of this topic and reflection

9. Quote by Nisargadatta Maharaj: "Wisdom is knowing I am nothing. Love is knowing I am everything. Between the two the life flows."


9.1 Love is all pervading consciousness, which envelops entire Universe. I am the Omniscient, causal essence of Consciousness and its beholder, unattached. For me this creation does not exist.

9.2 But this I will realize having taken birth, and going by Universal Laws of Nature or Material Energy. I must be therefore grateful to Supreme Lord of artificial creation for bestowing me the graceful birth.

10. Conclusion

10.1 Life is shrouded by ignorance. We are making of spirit which expresses through Universal Mind.

10.2 Till such time we are comfortable with life, we should lead life losing proprietorship and tuning with everyone, without hurting or harming any one.

10.3 Spiritual life is inescapable, and for those who are due for enlightenment, a spiritual guru enters the life, part of his unique mind, on his own to guide disciple to reach his ultimate state of mind and restore him to immaterial self. This is confirmed by Vedanta and also by Sage Patanjali.

10.4 It is better to lead life following scriptural injunctions. In Yoga, they are listed as Yamas and Niyamas. They are listed as commandments in Holy Bible and Holy Qur?ān.

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??The five Yogic Niyamas

Shaucha (purification and cleanliness)

Samtosha (contentment)

Tapas (righteousness and self-discipline)

Svadhyaya (self-study and self-reflection)

Ishvara Pranidhana (devotion and self-surrender)

Note: Brahmacharya has nothing to do with celibacy. Procreation is listed as fruitive action in Bhagavad-Gita.??Celibacy can lead to repression and become a misery..

Supreme Indestructible (???? ???????) reality is declared as Ultimate Truth (??????). Its eternal nature (???????) is the embodied self (????????). Procreation (???????) and the desired development in the material existence of the physical bodies of living entities (??? ???? ??????) is delineated (????????) as fruitive actions (????) (Bhagavad-Gita 08.03).

Om Shanti Om???

Author: Vasudeva Murthy Vadlakonda

Place: Hyderabad

Date 24-Dec-2021 - Released on Christmas Eve

Wishing all visitors of this site with love, "Seasons Greetings and best wishes for Merry Christmas"

Dear Blessed Self, addressed to all those who visited this site, because I have realized that everbody and everything that is created has Self, and one who realizes becomes Blessed Self. Born as human,this potency is built into our psyche. This topic has popped up because yesterday Abdelouahed Rhazaf liked my comment somewhere in comments section. This triggered some one to rake me up, because he always though he is the best adviser to me, and I am dual. I have no contempt towards him, Ego always thinks that he is best. ?? ?

Gordon Paterson

President/Senior Creative Director/TV Writer-Producer at The Star Bright Company

1 年

Nirguna still supports his comments given above. How were you able to save our discussion for all these months? Again, in it, I simply stated: "Wisdom" is not mental sagacity, the erudite resolution of esoteric arguments. Rather, it is the ability to impose quietude upon the thinking apparatus. The attainment of Mental Silence at will, is a skill usually accompanying Transcendence, wherein thought-forms are replaced by "Direct Apperceptions" without the aid of a now-defunct Mind. It is noted that throughout your exegesis above, Vasu, you still rely heavily on the various Functionings of the Mind. I had hoped that your reliance on this instrument that produces so much illusion, had waned since you (or whomever) had written those postings about "Wisdom?" seemingly now, ages ago? Your ideas, postulations, thoughts and concepts are all Dualistic notions, coming as they do from a Mind not yet under control----revealing sadly that your understanding, based on these musings, by such a Mind, is still limited. These are really not harsh words. In some traditions, like ZEN, in the Far East, beatings with a stick usually accompanied such an observation, until the great implosion happens. Shanti, dear friend. Nirguna


For those who are yet to visit this site ... The topic titled 'Wisdom', is all about personal evolution, applicable to all walks of life, scripted with love, and with blessings from Mother Kundalini (Mother Nature), who is active in my life, holding me captive, thanks to my Guru. SHE is?teaching me what all is required to be taught?in life. It is HER script, expressed through?mind (which I am able to read without attachment or perception my own - learnt through Yoga) unique my own. I am a mere scribe. All of us learn everything?from nature only, but unaware. Five sensory organs which function on vibrations attached to body, get their energy from within (set of Nadīs). It is consciousness that deciphers vibrations to make us function as routine. We should learn to access this grace. It is in reality the spirit within us that gives us, the artificial 'EGO' centric personalities, a sense of doer ship. But in reality all expressions are from inner consciousness. ?? ?

Aneeta M.

If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it.?Believe in yourself and all that you are.?Mathematics Lecturer with expertise in Applied Mathematics. ? Creative Content Writing. ? Communication.?

3 年

Intelligence is birth gift.. Wisdom comes from experience but Experience doesn't make person wisdom. Wisdom is soul's wisdom. Soul has intelligence and wisdom which we develop more by education and learning and improving skills more.

Gordon Paterson

President/Senior Creative Director/TV Writer-Producer at The Star Bright Company

3 年

Okay, let's make some slight adjustments here: while this tract doesn't define mind, the reader is forced to conclude that the mind, herein referred- to, is Conceptuality, is that mechanism that interprets percepts? An ego? Yes? But "Self-knowledge" is not available till the mind has been resolved in its Source, which is Universal Consciousness. Then the pathway to the Self is opened. So, mind cannot make the "rendezvous" with knowledge of Self, if all these Spiritual laws, you mention, are to be followed. The nice thing about Teachers of Spiritual Knowledge is that they can point the student in the right direction: like fingers pointing toward the moon. The rest is up to the pupil. Yes, Vasu, we must be able to digest the food placed before us were we to benefit from its nutrition. Similarly, in order to achieve Spiritual Transcendence, one must, at least, provisionally, accept the Teachers' recommendations until we ourselves reach the goal. A Teacher is a sine qua non for success; a guide is absolutely necessary! Literature by itself is insufficient. Perhaps, Vasu, to start with, you could define your understanding of the meaning of "mind?" And how it is dis- or similar to Consciousness. Thank you. Nirguna


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