Wisdom Trumps Data
James Berkeley
MD at Ellice Consulting Ltd I Operating Partner at Bosham Capital Advisors
We are awash with a data frenzy but most of it is utterly worthless. In the excellent CB Insights Daily Newsletter, Zoe Leavitt, a senior CPG analyst makes the argument companies should think about a new metric, "data per square foot". She misses the point. Data alone is pretty worthless unless it is formatted into meaningful information. Information is only of significant value if it is in the hands of the right person, at the right time, and applied effectively to their's and others' knowledge. Knowledge is only valuable if it is applied accurately to critical issues in order to create wisdom. Wisdom is what is required to keep on track with a CPG or any other organisation's strategic goals. This concept is not new, Alan Weiss in his seminal book, Best Laid Plans, first brought this into the public's conscious two decades ago. OK, let's get back to a world where we obsess about making wise decisions, and laud those people, who excel at that particular endeavour.