Wisdom tooth pain bothering you now and then?

Wisdom tooth pain bothering you now and then?

Pressure would be placed on the gums and nearby teeth as wisdom teeth erupt, resulting in pain and discomfort that may cycle in and out of existence.

Additionally, the flap of gum that covers the wisdom tooth's biting surface has the potential to swell and become wedged between the teeth, adding to the discomfort.

Sometimes wisdom tooth discomfort will go away on its own with time and without any medical intervention. However, oral surgery may be advised if the pain is extreme or if the wisdom teeth result in any problems like an infection, a cyst, tooth decay, or damage to the adjoining teeth.

As they erupt, wisdom teeth might hurt the gums or the jaw. Allowing bacteria to enter the gums can raise the risk of infections, leading to gum discomfort, swelling, or jaw stiffness.

It could also be caused by a trustworthy Source: if the wisdom teeth erupt improperly or there isn't enough space for them to grow.

Jaw discomfort, bloating, or stiffness,

Inflamed and painful gum,

Difficulty chewing or opening the mouth,

Swollen, tender, or bleeding gums,

Bad breath.



