Wisdom as Strength
Barry Lewis Green
Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, Creator ... advancing Character Leadership and Education ... to move forward together, stronger ... engaging change.
Yesterday, I posted on Temperate and Wise Progress... with links to thoughts on Stoicism, Courage, Justice, Temperance/Moderation and Wisdom... and COOLness.
That said, my purposeful and accidental meandering leads me now to Wisdom.
Making discerning decisions and choices. Resisting distracting impulses. Listening to our better judgement. Reflecting, before acting. Seeking guidance, spiritually or otherwise. Trusting our deepest truth. This is Wisdom in practice. I have heard it said that Wisdom is God's emissary. As someone who does not believe God to be a man, woman nor any gender nor even human in the sky but an unknowable, inconceivable Force at play throughout everything, everywhere, every time, I ask myself "What would an Emissary of such do?" It will bring Wisdom. That still, small voice within... if you will. And that got me to think upon the 8 Virtues I am exploring for the balance of this year, and the words of Bahá’u’lláh above.
My intent over the next few posts is to compare what I am learning on these Virtues with what I am learning of Stoicism... with what I consider to be these sacred words of Bahá’u’lláh. If Courage and Justice and Temperance are 3 Cardinal Virtues of Stoicism, then I am thinking Wisdom is the Key.... and speaks to the Virtue I call KNOWledge.
KNOWledge and its exploration will get my next focus after this month around COOLness. For now, I offer up the KNOWledge Card above and the afore noted words of Bahá’u’lláh.... with the thought that I will be exploring such Wisdom for my life, my countenance and my gait... personally and professionally. I will be digging into these words to explore the Wisdom... as it might apply to walking with a deeper Confidence and Character and Purpose.
I believe and contend that Wisdom and KNOWledge can fortify Courage, Justice and Temperance and make us stronger amidst the change and challenge ahead. They can stand in the face of a tendency towards fear-driven, knee-jerk reactions. I intend to explore such and same. I hope that you stay with me... chasing down the KNOWledge.
Justice, Peace and Unity...