Wisdom practice 4: Continue with your student mindset
Make at least 30 min a day to learn something new. It can be reading a book, an online course, podcast, or a video tutorial.
I, like most of you, have priorities in specific areas of life, and consciously learn ways of getting closer to my goals. However, I don’t restrict my knowledge spectrum to those specific areas only. In my own personal experience, I have come to realise that every area of life, be it – health, emotional or spiritual life, career, finance or relationship is interconnected. In order to lead an extraordinary life, or in simple words, fulfilment in life, one has to constantly learn and grow in all areas of life.
I would like to share with you some of the resources I was fortunate to come across, either through my own exploration or was recommended to me by my kind and humble friends. Sincere thanks to them!
I am not saying that I have access to the best knowledge bank, but below are some of the resources that, over the years has helped me enhance my knowledge level,
Books – ‘The Alchemist’ by Paulo Coelho, ‘The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari’ by Robin Sharma, Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. FrankL, ‘Start with why’ by Simon Sinek, ‘Think and Grow Rich’ by Napoleon Hill, ‘The Code of The Extraordinary Mind’ by Vishen Lakhiani and ‘Everybody Matters’ by Bob Chapman and Raj Sisodia.
Meditation – ‘The 6-phase meditation’ by Vishen Lakhiani (on emotionality and spirituality)
Podcast – ‘On purpose’ with Jay Shetty (health), ‘Impact Theory’ by Tom Bilyeu (health and relationship) and ‘The Tony Robbins’ podcast (financial freedom)
What are your go to resources? I would love to hear, so we all can grow together :)